Schematic Help

Hi, I had my first Arduino about 3-4 months ago and since that I like to play with electronic :slight_smile:

Since I'm new I have a little problem and I don't have a lot of time to solve it, this is why I ask for help. I want to transform an old cloth washer machine to a carrot washer machine. I don't have much time because we need to harvest in a couple of days.

I have the schematic of the washer machine but I don't understand everything. I want to know how to start the motor, spin, full with water and empty water.

It's a mechanical washer machine, not an electronic new one. It seems simple but I have some hard time. For now I just want to be able to trigger a switch (light switch or anything else, without Arduino for now) to start motor, another to spin, etc..

I really hope that someone can help..

Here is the schematic:

(image size = 1.6MB, this is why I didn't post it to the forum)



I want to transform an old cloth washer machine to a carrot washer machine. I don't have much time because we need to harvest in a couple of days.

Biggest smile of my day so far :slight_smile:

I want to know how to start the motor, spin, full with water and empty water.

It looks like the easiest thing to do is to replace the mechanical switches at the lower-left of the schematic with relays controlled by the Arduino. Are you familiar with relays? There will be some very large currents being switched so if you are going to do this you will need to design carefully. It will also be helpful to know how much current each of your motors and pumps will demand (you may be able to find this on the motors/pumps themselves).

There's a bit of information here:

and if you Google for "relay circuits" or "relay drivers" etc. I'm sure you will find much more information.

The Quick Shield: breakout all 28 pins to quick-connect terminals

Thanks for you interest in the "project" :wink:

In the front of the machine (like every other mechanical clothe washer) there is a big button (the timer) inside there is a lot of switch. For now, I will add Arduino after that. I just want to identify which wire should be connected together to do my 4 step; fill, start motor for right-left movement, spin, empty.

Thanks again,


Doesn't it bruise them? They must get bashed about a bit. Or is part of the spec to make the washing machine more gentle?

We have used washer machine for years now, if you use delicate cycle you carrot will be ok :wink:

SI: Carrot are strong, but don't use the washer for tomatoe! :wink:

Best chuckle I've had in some time with a forum post :slight_smile:

Who woodda thought there'd be a discusion on the merits of washing tomatoes and carrots in a washing machine.