I have a working breadboard project and the attached schematic.
I want a bare pcb (or 2 or 3, poor solderer) where I can solder the components and box it so it can become a prototype.
I want someone to take the schematic and produce whatever files are needed to have the pcb made.
Size should not exceed 100x50mm.
If you know how to do it, let me know how long it would take you and the cost.
Does it have to be a Nano? Or can it be a simpler standalone design with a header for an FTDI programmer to connect to?
The Stereo Jack - vertical? right angle? Or offboard?
The LEDs - 3mm? 5mm? Or Offboard?
The push buttons - you are relying on the internal pullup on A7 for a 5V source to divide across the resistor chain?
The Resistors - 1/8W? 1/4W?
The SD card - I am not familiar with a thru hole socket, FCI makes an SMD part with pretty easy to solder pins.
What is the 433 MHz Rx? Seems to have a lot of pins - most simple units only use Vcc, Gnd, Antenna, and Data Out. You just want a 7-pin header socket there?
I could do this design overnight with some more data.
Does it have to be a Nano? Or can it be a simpler standalone design with a header for an FTDI programmer to connect to?
I know what you're getting at, right now the objective is to do just 2-3 boards for use as prototype in the cheapest, fastest way possible.
If the need develops to take it further, a custom board will be needed. For now, I'll use the Nano through female headers.
The Stereo Jack - vertical? right angle? Or offboard?
The LEDs - 3mm? 5mm? Or Offboard?
The push buttons - you are relying on the internal pullup on A7 for a 5V source to divide across the resistor chain?
The Resistors - 1/8W? 1/4W?
The SD card - I am not familiar with a thru hole socket, FCI makes an SMD part with pretty easy to solder pins.
What is the 433 MHz Rx? Seems to have a lot of pins - most simple units only use Vcc, Gnd, Antenna, and Data Out. You just want a 7-pin header socket there?
I could do this design overnight with some more data.
All components shown as screw terminals are off board.
You are correct about the internal pullup on A7 for 5V source
Resistors are 1/4W.
SD Card is the LC soft board (http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-DIY-SD-Card-Logging-Shield/). I'll attach it by soldering a female header. Needs to be at the left or right side of the board to be able to insert the card.
433MHz receiver module is not used for data transfer, receives a signal from the transmitter and latches the corresponding register (D0 to D3) the state of which is read by the Nano. I'll attach it by soldering a female header.
I think I missed to add a capacitor at the 12V feed to the motor.
The SD shield, has voltage dividers on the card already - do you still want pads for resistors on the board?
Or do you want the 74HC4050 used as signal buffer instead?
In a nutshell, it controls a stepper motor and triggers the camera according to user programmed profiles that are read from the sd card to shoot panoramas and timelapse sequenses