Hello forum users,
we are working on a project for school and we're not doing very well.
Our plan is to create a vehicle on four wheels which has a laser on top of it.
The laser must be able to change it's angle in the vertical axis, so that the light it emits travels up and down.
Our vehicle also has to be able to be controlled wirelessly.
We will also install an Android phone in our vehicle which will act as a camera so we can watch our vehicle's movements on a computer screen.
The problem is that we have no clue how to make our vehicle be controlled wireless, first we wanted to use a circuitboard but after some research this didn't seem possible for us.
Now we think our best option is to use an Arduino.
The only hardware we have bought so far is the laser pointer and a bluetooth dongle (the bluetooth dongle is irrelevant).
I will include pictures of our idea, for us those pictures make sense but i can imagine that to another person it might make no sense at all.
So please do ask for additional information if you need it.
Our deadline of finishing this project is 23-01-2015 13:00 PM.
We know/think we won't make this deadline, but even if we don't we still want to finish our project because we think it could become really cool.
Any help is welcome, also if it's usefull for you to help us better we have the ability to use skype.
Thanks in advance!