Scraping Yahoo Stock data to arduino

Hi, I am new to programming and Arduino and am working through quite a few examples but am very keen to jump ahead a little and scrape Yahoo finance information (such as the Dow Jones index) into the Arduino so I can have it posted onto an LED display updated regularly. I will have the Arduino connected directly to my router via an ethernet shield but not have my PC on all the time. I have seen a lot of places where weather information is being scraped or other interactions between the Arduino and the web but nothing that is this simple.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

This wasn't it.

What have you tried? Can you have the Arduino even get the information you want to parse?

Yes, you could do that very easily if you know how to write programmes to fetch data from a website in arduino ethernet shield.
You would need to request the ip of the website at port 80. Store whatever data you get. Process it. Extract the information that you need. Finally display it on the display.

The easier way to do it would be connect your ethernet shield to PC with internet. Write a programm in Python to fetch data from the site, when it receives request from the arduino. Supply that data to ethernet shield. And then simply display it. If you are useing a PC you can do this even with using uno or similar boards.

Yahoo finance can be accessed without going through any security so your proposed screen scraping approach would be feasible, but you would need to pick the data out of a relatively large and complex page. Using Yahoo Finance Web Services would probably be an easier/better approach since this API is designed for programmatic access.

The below discussion has some web page parsing code that extracts data from the data stream being returned from a weather page. There is an application called textfinder that can extract data from a returned data stream. Bottom is the weather code updated some so it will compile and run.,39023.0.html

// Include description files for other libraries used (if any)
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>

// Define Constants
// Max string length may have to be adjusted depending on data to be extracted
#define MAX_STRING_LEN  20

// Setup vars
char tagStr[MAX_STRING_LEN] = "";
char dataStr[MAX_STRING_LEN] = "";
char tmpStr[MAX_STRING_LEN] = "";
char endTag[3] = {'<', '/', '\0'};
int len;

// Flags to differentiate XML tags from document elements (ie. data)
boolean tagFlag = false;
boolean dataFlag = false;

// Ethernet vars
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 102 };
byte server[] = { 140, 90, 113, 200 }; //

// Start ethernet client
EthernetClient client;

void setup()
  Serial.println("Starting WebWx");
  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

  if (client.connect(server, 80)) {
    client.println("GET /xml/current_obs/KRDU.xml HTTP/1.0");    
  } else {
    Serial.println("connection failed");

void loop() {

  // Read serial data in from web:
  while (client.available()) {

  if (!client.connected()) {

    // Time until next update
    for (int t = 1; t <= 15; t++) {
      delay(60000); // 1 minute

    if (client.connect(server, 80)) {
      client.println("GET /xml/current_obs/KRDU.xml HTTP/1.0");    
    } else {
      Serial.println("Reconnect failed");

// Process each char from web
void serialEvent() {

   // Read a char
	 char inChar =;
   if (inChar == '<') {
      addChar(inChar, tmpStr);
      tagFlag = true;
      dataFlag = false;

   } else if (inChar == '>') {
      addChar(inChar, tmpStr);

      if (tagFlag) {      
         strncpy(tagStr, tmpStr, strlen(tmpStr)+1);

      // Clear tmp

      tagFlag = false;
      dataFlag = true;      
   } else if (inChar != 10) {
      if (tagFlag) {
         // Add tag char to string
         addChar(inChar, tmpStr);

         // Check for </XML> end tag, ignore it
         if ( tagFlag && strcmp(tmpStr, endTag) == 0 ) {
            tagFlag = false;
            dataFlag = false;
      if (dataFlag) {
         // Add data char to string
         addChar(inChar, dataStr);
   // If a LF, process the line
   if (inChar == 10 ) {

      Serial.print("tagStr: ");
      Serial.print("dataStr: ");

      // Find specific tags and print data
      if (matchTag("<temp_f>")) {
	      Serial.print("Temp: ");
      if (matchTag("<relative_humidity>")) {
	      Serial.print(", Humidity: ");
      if (matchTag("<pressure_in>")) {
	      Serial.print(", Pressure: ");

      // Clear all strings

      // Clear Flags
      tagFlag = false;
      dataFlag = false;

// Other Functions //

// Function to clear a string
void clearStr (char* str) {
   int len = strlen(str);
   for (int c = 0; c < len; c++) {
      str[c] = 0;

//Function to add a char to a string and check its length
void addChar (char ch, char* str) {
   char *tagMsg  = "<TRUNCATED_TAG>";
   char *dataMsg = "-TRUNCATED_DATA-";

   // Check the max size of the string to make sure it doesn't grow too
   // big.  If string is beyond MAX_STRING_LEN assume it is unimportant
   // and replace it with a warning message.
   if (strlen(str) > MAX_STRING_LEN - 2) {
      if (tagFlag) {
      if (dataFlag) {

      // Clear the temp buffer and flags to stop current processing
      tagFlag = false;
      dataFlag = false;

   } else {
      // Add char to string
      str[strlen(str)] = ch;

// Function to check the current tag for a specific string
boolean matchTag (char* searchTag) {
   if ( strcmp(tagStr, searchTag) == 0 ) {
      return true;
   } else {
      return false;

Thanks all. I have no problem getting this data into an excel spreadsheet and manipulating it through Visual Basic but all this is a bit foreign to me at the moment. I will pull my head in a bit and try to work through it putting up more specific questions as and when needed. I was just hoping someone may had done it before so I could copy. Lazy, but fast.
Cheers all, when I come up with questions or something working I will be sure to post.

Yahoo Finance API is now working anymore.
MarketXLS has better data than Yahoo, it costs a little but I save time
They have regular updates and customer support.

I was going to say this. The Yahoo APIs are gone. I’ve switched to AlphaVantage for my tickers.

The parsing may be too complicated to do on an arduino. I use a computer to access the data and prepare it for display using python. Then i can send that data the arduino in a simple format.

Good luck with your project!
