Hi there, Have come back to Arduino after many years break. To re-familiarise, I started with a simple blinking LED script, the most basic.
It works fine on Arduino UNO, but nothing happens when uploaded to Arduino wifi board. Board lights are one. Switches are all off, EXCEPT 3 & 4 are on, counting with on/off label on left and Wifi logo on right.
Any clues?
Cheers Matt
The built in led pin on the WiFi Rev2 is pin25 (PD06). Is your code using that, or pin13 from the Uno sketch?
The internal led may also be accessed using
LED_BUILTIN which should map to the correct pin of the chip.
Hi, thanks for your help. I am using digital Pin 13.
As @cattledog said, if you use LED_BUILTIN
then you don't have to worry about the actual pin number ...
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