Hello Arduino community. I recently built a 5X5 LED matrix that was column scanned and that made it very easy for me to create a scrolling function. Someone on the forums actually told me the best way to do it. But now I,m realizing that if i wanted to make a matrix that had a longer width I'd need to row scan instead of column scan and that,s where the problem is. I made a code to try and scroll the matrix using using row scanning but it just scrolls from the top down , so a vertical scroll as appose to the desired horizontal one. I know where the problem is in the code but just can't figure out a work around.
The scrolling part is in the scroll function towards the bottom
The problem is that since i"m writing the entire message to be scrolled into a new array and then displaying 0-4, 1-5, 2-6... etc of that array it isn't scrolling left to right. Since in row scanning the LED's are turned on one row at a time its just going up and down not left to right like it did when i column scanned it.
Any help/ advice would be appreciated
Thanks in advance:Chris
//REV 2.0
//By: Christopher Beharry Yambo with help from the arduino community @www.forum.arduino.cc
* Controls a 5X5 LED matrix consisting of two 8bit shift registers
* It's row scanned meaning that one row comes on at a time from top to bottom
* hopefully i can creat scrollin using row scanning!
//constants for data pin, clock pin, and latch pin
const int CPR = 8;
const int LP = 9;
const int DPR = 10;
const int CPC = 11;
const int DPC = 12;
byte rowActivator[] = {B10000000, B01000000, B00100000, B00010000, B00001000,}; // way to address rows individually
byte letters[27][5] = {
{B10001000, B10001000, B11111000, B10001000, B11111000}, // A 0
{B11110000, B10001000, B11110000, B10001000, B11110000}, // B 1
{B11111000, B10001000, B10000000, B10001000, B11111000}, // C 2
{B11110000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000, B11110000}, // D 3
{B11111000, B10000000, B11110000, B10000000, B11111000}, // E 4
{B10000000, B10000000, B11110000, B10000000, B11111000}, // F 5
{B11111000, B10001000, B10011000, B10000000, B11111000}, // G 6
{B10001000, B10001000, B11111000, B10001000, B10001000}, // H 7
{B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000}, // I 8
{B11111000, B10001000, B00001000, B00001000, B00001000}, // J 9
{B10001000, B10010000, B11100000, B10010000, B10001000}, // K 10
{B11111000, B10000000, B10000000, B10000000, B10000000}, // L 11
{B10101000, B10101000, B10101000, B10101000, B11011000}, // M 12
{B10001000, B10011000, B10101000, B11001000, B10001000}, // N 13
{B11111000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000, B11111000}, // O 14
{B10000000, B10000000, B11111000, B10001000, B11111000}, // P 15
{B11111000, B10011000, B10001000, B10001000, B11111000}, // Q 16
{B10001000, B10010000, B11111000, B10001000, B11111000}, // R 17
{B11111000, B00001000, B11111000, B10000000, B11111000}, // S 18
{B00100000, B00100000, B00100000, B00100000, B11111000}, // T 19
{B11111000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000}, // U 20
{B00100000, B01010000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000}, // V 21
{B11011000, B10101000, B10101000, B10101000, B10101000}, // W 22
{B10001000, B01010000, B00100000, B01010000, B10001000}, // X 23
{B11111000, B00001000, B11111000, B10001000, B10001000}, // Y 24
{B11111000, B01000000, B00100000, B00010000, B11111000}, // Z 25
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // Space to shift out use number 91
//array the message in the scroll function is placed in
byte scrollArray[160];
void setup() {
for(int x=8; x<=12; x++)
pinMode(x, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//funvtion to show a singular letter
void showLetter(char letter) {
for(int A=0; A<5; A++)
digitalWrite(LP, LOW);
shiftOut(DPR, CPR, LSBFIRST, rowActivator[A]);
shiftOut(DPC, CPC, LSBFIRST, letters[letter - 'A'][A]);
digitalWrite(LP, HIGH);
//function to display a message one letter at a time
void showMessage(String message) {
int messageLength = message.length();
int characterDelay = 650;
for(int B=0; B<messageLength; B++)
int character = message.charAt(B);
unsigned long start = millis();
while((start + characterDelay) > millis())
//if the character is a space shiftout the space character on the letters array
if(character == 32)
//else shiftout the letter as usual
//puts a small space between two of the same letter
if(character == message.charAt(B + 1))
unsigned long timer = millis();
int doubleDelay = 125;
while((timer + doubleDelay) > millis())
//function to scroll a message from left to right
void scrollMessage(String message){
int scrollDelay = 250;
int y = 0;
int messageLength = message.length();
//puts mesag einto the scroll array
for(int C=0; C<messageLength; C++)
for(int D=0; D<5; D++)
scrollArray[(C*5) + D] = letters[(message.charAt(C)) - 'A'][D];
// scrolls out the scroll array
int X = 0;
for(int E=0; E<=(messageLength*5); E++)
unsigned long timer = millis();
while((timer + scrollDelay) > millis())
for(int F=0; F<5; F++)
digitalWrite(LP, LOW);
shiftOut(DPR, CPR, LSBFIRST, rowActivator[F]);
shiftOut(DPC, CPC, LSBFIRST, scrollArray[F + X]);
digitalWrite(LP, HIGH);