Hi forum, I tried a many ways to use a SD with Arduino Ethernet Shield Clone, Actually I use sdFat library and run the SDinfo sketch. I have the following errors:
SdFat version: 20150324
Disabling SPI device on pin 10
Assuming the SD chip select pin is: 4
Edit SD_CHIP_SELECT to change the SD chip select pin.
Please check that the SD card is FAT formatted for the whole SD card.
No NTFS (Windows) or EXT3 (Linux) or other types of formatting is supported!
It is also not allowed to have "partitions" on the SD card. Even not FAT formatted partitions. If you should have partitions on the SD card, remove all partitions first, then create a FAT formatting without any partitioning.
When using Windows or MAC OS you can download a formatting tool from the SD association:
This should create a suitable formatting like that provided with a brand new SD card from the store.
Please also make sure that you create no short circuit while stacking the board:
The upper surface of the Arduino USB jack is not allowed to touch the underside of the Ethernet shield PCB.
(This might happen in case the long male headers are a bit too short.)
Yes, Web client and WebServer sketch work correctly, my SD card doesn't work with SdFat library neither Arduino SD library. People have told me that can be a the ethernet shield becuase it is a clon, i bought it in amazon
Yes, Web client and WebServer sketch work correctly, my SD card doesn't work with SdFat library neither Arduino SD library.
In that case I don't know what might be going wrong, except perhaps power problems:
Are you using the USB of a desktop PC to power the Arduino board? A notebook PC? A tablet? A passive USB hub where other devices are connected?
SD cards require relatively high currents, up to 300 mA, and desktop PCs can easily deliver up to 500 mA at least at their USB jacks. But notebook PCs or tablets sometimes only can provide 100 mA with their USB adapter.
Also passive USB hubs may create problems if other devices are already connected to the USB hub.
In that case try an "active USB hub" that provides USB power from its own power adapter! So that you can be sure, that the SD card (and Arduino/Ethernet shield) may draw at least 300mA from the USB port without voltage dropping down.
People have told me that can be a the ethernet shield becuase it is a clon, i bought it in amazon
Yes, it is true: Building quality of China made clone boards and shields is poor, and in rare cases it is possible that defective boards/shields are shipped. It may happen, but not very often (I think).