Thanks for telling me if someone has recently problems with some new SDHC ‘not recognized’ on adruinos which, otherwise, work perfectly with SDHD cards bought one year ago.
Context :
I use 3 Arduino mega with SeedStudio TFT Touch Shield and SDHC. One of them works perfectly, for months day and night for process control application! That is OK. It uses a SDHC card for graphics data and stats recoding. Everything is OK with it. Using any combination of the 3 arduinos and any of the TFT Touch Shields, works OK in the same manner, but only with my old SD card. So the hardware and wiring is OK. The problem seems to be on the SDHC side.
Problem :
I bought recently other new SD cards ( micro SDHC, 8Go) , ( micro SDHC, 16Go) ( micro SD, 2Go), from Samsung, PNY, Emtec. None of them is recognized, on any of the 3 arduinos! Tested, of course, with just the SeedStudio TFT Touch Shield directly plugged on top of the arduino and nothing else connected. All of the cards work perfectly on a computer (Mac) and on a camera. If I use my first SDHC card on any of the two others arduinos, it is recognized and works perfectly. My problem is that it is the only one which works.
I tested non simply my own code but any of the arduino provided examples. All of them fail with ‘no sd card” message.
Before joining the forum, and before buying one more SDHC, I tried to (unsuccessfully) debug the problem. I have some precise information :
I analyzed in details the SD2 library. The error is caused by the ACMD14 command, which goes into timeout (send ERR code 8). I also looked at the official SD specification book: ‘SD Specifications Part A2 SD Host Controller Simplified Specification Version 3.00 Technical Committee’. The SD library code for the internal ‘init’ method does not match exactly the specifications, especially if the SDHC cards require specific voltage window (see page 100 to 105), but it obviously works fine with old cards.
Question :
Is there something new on these SD card, (operate in low voltage?), is there an upgrade of the SD library, has someone got the same problem?
Thanks a lot.