SD card fails to initialize

I'm using the screen from this link :

In combination with an Arduino Uno R3.

The black shield is a kind of adapter shield between the arduino and the screen, but also has an SD card reader, so after trying and failing hopelessly with the screen I decided to remove the screen and just use the shield with SD card, but even that fails.

I tried the "Set pin 10 high" method, tried different chip select pins, different libraries even, but to no avail.

Current code (code example that they provided) :

// Web:
EastRising Technology Co.,LTD
Examples for ER-TFTM028-4 with Capacitive Touch Panel
Hardward SPI 4-Wire SPI Interface 5V Power Supply

#include <Wire.h>
#include <GFX.h>    // Core graphics library
#include "ILI9341.h" // Hardware-specific library
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>

// TFT display and SD card will share the hardware SPI interface.
// Hardware SPI pins are specific to the Arduino board type and
// cannot be remapped to alternate pins. 

//Arduino DUE,Arduino mega2560,Arduino UNO
// The display also uses hardware SPI
#define TFT_CS 9
#define TFT_DC 7
ILI9341 tft = ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);

#define SD_CS 8

void setup(void) {

  Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
  if (!SD.begin(SD_CS)) {
   char bmp1[] = "1.bmp";
   bmpDraw(bmp1, 0, 0);

void loop() {

With this as (kind of ironic "OK") as output:

Initializing SD card...failed!

Loading image '1.bmp'
File not found

The datasheet says that the SD_CS is on pin 8, so it should work.. But no luck..
I realise that there's already a lot of this online, but nothing I found yet works.

EDIT: The card is also formatted with sdcardformatter 4 and is 1GB

Apparently it's due to the Eastrising SD-card reader and their incompetence to make it work. It has something to do with putting capacitors on the SPI lines and such. Everything we found basically said "Stay away from it, you'll never get it to work"

Try some examples from SdFat.

For example "SdInfo" or "bench".