Then I copied two files(jpg and raw). I also tried with empty drive.
I ejected the mass storage device.
I inserted micro SD card in Ethernet shield(with Arduino UNO).
I opened and uploaded Examples->SD->CardInfo(Chipselect already 4)
I got output
Initializing SD card...initialization failed. Things to check:
* is a card inserted?
* is your wiring correct?
* did you change the chipSelect pin to match your shield or module?
Then I opened and uploaded Examples -> SD -> ReadWrite.
I got output.
Initializing SD card...initialization failed!
I tried SdFat library also.
I opened and uploaded Examples -> SdFat -> SdInfo
I got output
SdFat version: 1.0.3
Assuming the SD is the only SPI device.
Edit DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT to disable another device.
Assuming the SD chip select pin is: 10
Edit SD_CHIP_SELECT to change the SD chip select pin.
type any character to start
error: cardBegin failed
SD errorCode: 0X20,0X0
type any character to start
I tried using Strontium 16GB memory card. Then all other program gave same result expect
Examples->SD->CardInfo(Chipselect already 4)
I got another output
Initializing SD card...Wiring is correct and a card is present.
Card type: SDHC
Could not find FAT16/FAT32 partition.
Make sure you've formatted the card
I am trying to interface SD card with Arduino UNO with Ethernet shield.
Don't you suppose that it might be important WHICH SD card reader/writer you are using?
Don't you suppose that it might be important HOW the SD card reader/writer is connected?
Don't you suppose that it might be important WHICH SD card reader/writer you are using?
Don't you suppose that it might be important HOW the SD card reader/writer is connected?
Thanks for reply. I am trying to interface micro SD card. I connected to laptop via a local card reader.
You can ONLY "interface" (I hate that meaningless, overused word) with a SD card reader/writer.
I have NO clue what this means.
Thanks for quick reply, Sorry for the above problems. I will try to explain the scenario.
I am using a 3.5 inch RGB TFT display. I need help of SD card in order to display picture in that display. I formatted micro SD card as FAT using SD Card formatter software. Then I copied two image files to micro SD card.
I tried in arduino mega (there is an sd card slot in my display module). But it is not working. Since I never worked with micro SD card, I tried to go to UNO and Ethernet shield.
I put my formatted micro SD card to Ethernet shield. Tried running examples, I posted the outputs in my first post.
My problem is whenever I am calling SD.begin(4) it returns FALSE.
If I use card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED, 4), it returns true for one of my 16GB micro sd card. But still, volume.init(card) returns FALSE.
I tried interfacing SD with another Arduino MEGA using Ethernet shield. Its working fine. But it is giving an error(error 0x50,0) while trying to access with display module. Please help.
I uploaded the below shown code and it worked fine(with ethernet shield)
// Quick hardware test for SPI card access.
#include <SPI.h>
#include "SdFat.h"
// Set DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT to disable a second SPI device.
// For example, with the Ethernet shield, set DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT
// to 10 to disable the Ethernet controller.
const int8_t DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT = -1;
// Test with reduced SPI speed for breadboards. SD_SCK_MHZ(4) will select
// the highest speed supported by the board that is not over 4 MHz.
// Change SPI_SPEED to SD_SCK_MHZ(50) for best performance.
// File system object.
SdFat sd;
// Serial streams
ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
// input buffer for line
char cinBuf[40];
ArduinoInStream cin(Serial, cinBuf, sizeof(cinBuf));
// SD card chip select
int chipSelect;
void cardOrSpeed() {
cout << F("Try another SD card or reduce the SPI bus speed.\n");
cout << F("Edit SPI_SPEED in this program to change it.\n");
void reformatMsg() {
cout << F("Try reformatting the card. For best results use\n");
cout << F("the SdFormatter program in SdFat/examples or download\n");
cout << F("and use SDFormatter from\n");
void setup()
// Wait for USB Serial
while (!Serial) {
cout << F("\nSPI pins:\n");
cout << F("MISO: ") << int(MISO) << endl;
cout << F("MOSI: ") << int(MOSI) << endl;
cout << F("SCK: ") << int(SCK) << endl;
cout << F("SS: ") << int(SS) << endl;
cout << F(
"\nBe sure to edit DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT if you have\n"
"a second SPI device. For example, with the Ethernet\n"
"shield, DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT should be set to 10\n"
"to disable the Ethernet controller.\n");
cout << F(
"\nSD chip select is the key hardware option.\n"
"Common values are:\n"
"Arduino Ethernet shield, pin 4\n"
"Sparkfun SD shield, pin 8\n"
"Adafruit SD shields and modules, pin 10\n");
bool firstTry = true;
void loop() {
// Read any existing Serial data.
do {
} while (Serial.available() && >= 0);
if (!firstTry) {
cout << F("\nRestarting\n");
firstTry = false;
cout << F("\nEnter the chip select pin number: ");
while (!Serial.available()) {
if (cin >> chipSelect) {
cout << chipSelect << endl;
} else {
cout << F("\nInvalid pin number\n");
cout << F(
"\nAssuming the SD is the only SPI device.\n"
"Edit DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT to disable another device.\n");
cout << F("\nDisabling SPI device on pin ");
cout << int(DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT) << endl;
if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_SPEED)) {
if (sd.card()->errorCode()) {
cout << F(
"\nSD initialization failed.\n"
"Do not reformat the card!\n"
"Is the card correctly inserted?\n"
"Is chipSelect set to the correct value?\n"
"Does another SPI device need to be disabled?\n"
"Is there a wiring/soldering problem?\n");
cout << F("\nerrorCode: ") << hex << showbase;
cout << int(sd.card()->errorCode());
cout << F(", errorData: ") << int(sd.card()->errorData());
cout << dec << noshowbase << endl;
cout << F("\nCard successfully initialized.\n");
if (sd.vol()->fatType() == 0) {
cout << F("Can't find a valid FAT16/FAT32 partition.\n");
if (!sd.vwd()->isOpen()) {
cout << F("Can't open root directory.\n");
cout << F("Can't determine error type\n");
cout << F("\nCard successfully initialized.\n");
cout << endl;
uint32_t size = sd.card()->cardSize();
if (size == 0) {
cout << F("Can't determine the card size.\n");
uint32_t sizeMB = 0.000512 * size + 0.5;
cout << F("Card size: ") << sizeMB;
cout << F(" MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)\n");
cout << endl;
cout << F("Volume is FAT") << int(sd.vol()->fatType());
cout << F(", Cluster size (bytes): ") << 512L * sd.vol()->blocksPerCluster();
cout << endl << endl;
cout << F("Files found (date time size name):\n"); | LS_DATE | LS_SIZE);
if ((sizeMB > 1100 && sd.vol()->blocksPerCluster() < 64)
|| (sizeMB < 2200 && sd.vol()->fatType() == 32)) {
cout << F("\nThis card should be reformatted for best performance.\n");
cout << F("Use a cluster size of 32 KB for cards larger than 1 GB.\n");
cout << F("Only cards larger than 2 GB should be formatted FAT32.\n");
// Read any extra Serial data.
do {
} while (Serial.available() && >= 0);
cout << F("\nSuccess! Type any character to restart.\n");
while (!Serial.available()) {