Im new to coding, so I apologise if this is posted on the wrong forum.
I am trying to create a simple audio player for a school project and followed this tutorial.
When ever I press the reset button on my Arduino uno a message shows up in my serial monitor saying "SD fail" and no audio plays, I understand that this message is written into the code incase of an error.
Which type of SD card module do you have? Is it a simple board with just the SD card holder and a pin header, or does it have additional electronics on it?
For an UNO, it should look something like this one:
Pin#4 should be used when you use an Ethernet shield. For direct connection with UNO, pin#10 must be used. At least that is what I have seen when working with UNO and SD card storage board. PIn#10 is the SS pin.
If you see the cardinfo example of the arduino IDE, you'll find the following comments:
// change this to match your SD shield or module;
// Arduino Ethernet shield: pin 4
// Adafruit SD shields and modules: pin 10
// Sparkfun SD shield: pin 8