I am working with the Arduino IDE 2.3.2 in Linux.
I noticed that the SD.h at /home/pschatzmann/.arduino15/libraries/SD/src/SD.h still contains the obsolete boolean declarations instead of bool.
e.g. boolean seek(uint32_t pos);
I was double checking the version in library.properties which gives version=1.2.4
The official library at GitHub - arduino-libraries/SD: SD Library for Arduino which has the same version number does not have this problem.
July 4, 2024, 3:56am
Apparently 1.2.4 is the last actual release. In that version on GitHub, it is still boolean
. That release was 2019-Oct-11 .
The change to bool
is the most recent change to SD.h, on 2020-Mar-18.
Since the 1.2.4 release, library.properties
fixed some typos, but has not updated the version number.
You might try opening an Issue there to inquire about the next release.
The need to make a new release of the library is being tracked by the maintainers here:
opened 10:41AM - 28 Nov 23 UTC
type: enhancement
topic: infrastructure
do you planned a new release?
Several PR has been merged since the last on… e. It would be good to perform a new release.
Thanks in advance.
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Est. reading time: 1 minute
Thanks for your answer: I messed up by just looking at the master branch