SD reader kit not working

Hey folks. I got my hands on Arduino Uno R3, and SD card reader. Pretty much the same as in this project:

However I can not pass the card Initializing :

Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
if (!SD.begin(10)) {
Serial.println("initialization failed!");
while (1);

It is just always fails. I have checked my connections several times, formatted the card, tried with set pin 10 to output, and several other things that I found on the forum. But I just can not make it work. Is it possible that the card reader is not working? Maybe I miss something?
I attach a photo of my connection, Any help will be much appreciated!

other card tested?

Got only one, but will test eventually.

I make few days ago a test setup for SD sketch and my SD card would not recognized. I put it in PC to check if some files on it. and after this action the card has been recognized properly.

Thanks I did that too. Also formatted the thing, but still the same.

check your wiring. It seems suspicious. I mean you should sure a connectivity is established. And I think breadboard is in this case unnecessary.

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