SDFat library light

Hi everyone,
i'm looking how to reduce the required flash space required by the SDFat library because in my current project i can't change the micro (atemga328p) and i can't reduce the exisiting code. I have already used all the programming techinques to save flash space.

I just need to save the read and write on file functions and the support for FAT16 since i'll never use micro sd cards greater than 2GB.

I also tried to use the Fat16lib that is a good option in term of save flash space but it does not work with my 2GB sdhc and i can't found on market one of the old standard one compatible.

So, i would like to know if it possible to mantain the read/write functions on just fat16 file system and delete other "options" on SDFat library.

Anyone can help me?

Thanks :slight_smile:

So, i would like to know if it possible to mantain the read/write functions on just fat16 file system and delete other "options" on SDFat library.

If you only use the read and write functions, then only the read and write functions will be linked in.

The reason that the SD libraries need such large buffers is that they read from/write to the card in 512 byte increments.

Why can't you change the microprocessor you use? There are other chips that are about the same size that have (a lot) more SRAM.

can you suggest me an other micro with 32 pin in tqfp package, with at least 1kb eprom, more flash, more or equal ram, 16Mhz of clk at least and programmable with arduino ide?

The other one chance is to extend the support to SDHC micro sd for the fat16lib. Is this option available?
