SdFat trouble

Well here is the problem:

when I run this sample code: (the program does compile and upload to the Arduino)

    Basic example reading and writing to the microSD shield
    Based on the SdFat Library by Bill Greiman
    SparkFun Electronics
    This example creates a file (or opens it if the file already exists) named 'Test.txt.'
    A string with the value 'Millis: (number of millis)' is appended to the end of the file. 
    After writing to the file, the contents of the entire file are printed to the serial port.
//Add the SdFat Libraries
#include <SdFat.h>
#include <SdFatUtil.h> 
#include <ctype.h>

//Create the variables to be used by SdFat Library
Sd2Card card;
SdVolume volume;
SdFile root;
SdFile file;

char name[] = "Test.txt";     //Create an array that contains the name of our file.
char contents[256];           //This will be a data buffer for writing contents to the file.
char in_char=0;
int index=0;                  //Index will keep track of our position within the contents buffer.

void setup(void)
    Serial.begin(9600);        //Start a serial connection.
    pinMode(10, OUTPUT);       //Pin 10 must be set as an output for the SD communication to work.
    card.init();               //Initialize the SD card and configure the I/O pins.
    volume.init(card);         //Initialize a volume on the SD card.
    root.openRoot(volume);     //Open the root directory in the volume. 
void loop(void){, name, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRITE);    //Open or create the file 'name' in 'root' for writing to the end of the file.
    sprintf(contents, "Millis: %d    ", millis());    //Copy the letters 'Millis: ' followed by the integer value of the millis() function into the 'contents' array.
    file.print(contents);    //Write the 'contents' array to the end of the file.
    file.close();            //Close the file., name, O_READ);    //Open the file in read mode.;              //Get the first byte in the file.
    //Keep reading characters from the file until we get an error or reach the end of the file. (This will output the entire contents of the file).
    while(in_char >=0){            //If the value of the character is less than 0 we've reached the end of the file.
        Serial.print(in_char);    //Print the current character;      //Get the next character
    file.close();    //Close the file
    delay(1000);     //Wait 1 second before repeating the process.

nothing happens data isn't even being sent to the Serial Monitor when I look at on the SD no file is created and no data is written to a file.

here is what I have done:

I have changed the Library's Arduinopins header file to have

#define SS_PIN 8

because the SS pin is on digital pin 8

I have formatted the SD card to both Fat16 and Fat32 still doesn't work

as you can see from the code I use pinMODE(10, OUTPUT); otherwise the program wouldn't work.

I made sure the headers I soldered on where not faulty. they are not.

I am using a Arduino Duemilanove 328

also, for what ever reason the header files do not turn into the green color they normally do for header files. (don't know if this is a problem because the code does compile and upload to the arduino it just doesn't do anything)

also I notice that pin 13's LED is blinking and I think this is correct as this shield uses the SPI pins. any help would be great thanks