Hello together,
I am using a arduino ethernet with sd card slot.
I had everything working some months ago, but now it doesnt work
I am using a different card though, since the old one was borrowed
I tried with 2 cards (both sandisk sdhc, one 4gb one 8gb)
both fail at the init() call
I tried formatting them fat16 and fat32 but at the point of init
the format/partitioning should not be a problem i think
I tried SD standard lib and the SDFat lib (error 0x1)
Is it possible that my cards do not work (on computer they work well)
and if yes what are cards that work?
or is it possible that the sd slot etc is broken
rest of arduino board works
does still fail
i had it working some time agan with a different card
so i am thinking either the cards are not supported (?) or something is broken with the arduino?
I tried with 2 more cards, old 128mb and old 2gb, sd, non sdhc
still not working
will order new arduino ethernet card now
I guess some sd specific part is broken on my arduino board
bought new arduino ethernet and still get init fail
4 different cards
arduino 1.0.1
just put in the sd card
connect via ftdi basic usb
used code above
tried to upload turn off/on, etc
always same
i cant believe it, what am i missing?
got it working
what i did was to connect a 5V 1000mA dc poweradapter to the arduino
i never read about this?
maybe my macbook doesnt supply enough current?