Searching for a good motor control system with TFT GUI


I want to do an Arduino project with the students about motor monitor/control system, but I have no much experience of what can I do with an Arduino system.

I suggested these parts as a start:

  1. Arduino Nano
  2. 4" TFT display
  3. DH11 or DH22
  4. 12V DC motor with a bracket
  5. RTC

My question is what other components to add to the project to level it up ?

I found this project on YouTube, it's near to what I want but:

  1. The project doesn't share the code
  2. It's for a different application than motor monitor/control system

Maybe I want to add:

  1. Motor speed measure and control
  2. Motor temperature measure

Any other suggestions ?

You need a motor driver. Use a H bridge for bidirectional motor movement or a logic level N channel MOSFET switching the low side.

Depending on the display an eventual level shifter in case controller and display use different logic levels.

Some power supply.

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Yes, I agree with these necessary components.

But my main goal here is that what can I add to the system besides the necessary components ?

Like, if there's a professional motor control system in a factory, what engineers put in the system to monitor the motor variables ?

MY experience is they use an inductive sensor to watch the teeth on a gear that is in the motor system. That gives them a tachometer. Besides the motor RPM, what motor variables are you interested in?

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Quite a lot I will say. Start making schematics and check what I/O Your stated devices need. All unused controller I/O are available for future stuff.

Can you provide me with some example module from Aliexpress ?

I could give you a couple form my junk box. But when I search Ebay for inductive sensor I get thousands. Pick some with the voltage rating you need.

OK, I found a nice block diagram, here:

So I might add a voltage and current sensors to system monitor variables.

Now I measure the voltage going to the motor and the flowing current as system monitor variables + measuring the temperature and speed.

What modules I can use to measure these 4 variables ?

If you are NOT sending continuous, steady power to the motor, ie. pulses, you cannot actually measure the voltage and current values with out an oscilloscope because the measurements take time and both voltage and current will vary over very short time periods.

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I found a speed sensor:

But I haven't find information about how to use it.

Also this one as motor vibration sensor:

I told the two students to call this project off, as they and me don't have much experience with motor control.

Still there are at least 4 project to go this semester, taking this project along would be extra workload for me to handle.

But I'm still interested in this project in the future :slight_smile:

Thanks guys for the support.

Also if you have any other information, you can help me to learn something.

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