Searching for RFID chip on PN532

Hello programming universe. So I am trying to use lights and an RFID reader attached to an Arduino board, and I am having an issue.....

When I use the program nfc.readPassiveTargetID(blah, blah, blah), it will stop the entire program to search for an RFID chip. Is there a way to let it search for a second or two and then move on? I want to move the lights at the same time, but can't do this while the program is waiting on the program searches for a chip.

Any advice to fix this dilemma?


When I use the program nfc.readPassiveTargetID(blah, blah, blah), it will stop the entire program to search for an RFID chip.

Sorry. That is not true. It is what you do AFTER that that causes the program to do nothing.

Any advice to fix this dilemma?

Certainly. Read this, like you were supposed to BEFORE you posted here.