I'm building an input lag tester for my computer using a SparkFun Pro Micro 3.3V with a phototransistor. The Pro Micro has the USB HID support so the Mouse
library works.
I've noticed that when I call micros()
around Move.move
it sometimes gives me decreasing values instead of monotonically increasing values.
I found this thread from 2017 where someone seems to be encountering the same problem as me (i.e. non-monotonically-increasing return values from micros()
, but the thread was derailed by people arguing about what "consecutive" means - I didn't see any solution posted).
Here is my minimum repro:
#include <Mouse.h>
#include <limits.h>
const int QRD1114_PIN = A1; // Sensor output voltage
unsigned long timeStart1 = 0;
unsigned long timeStart2 = 0;
unsigned long timeEnd = 0;
const byte INTERRUPT_PIN = 7;
volatile bool isMeasuring = false;
volatile byte wasPressed = false;
volatile int pinIsrCount = 0;
void pinIsr() {
wasPressed = true;
void setup()
Mouse.begin(); //Init mouse emulation
Serial.println("Mouse ready.");
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INTERRUPT_PIN), pinIsr, LOW); // when switch is open the pin is HIGH, when the switch is closed the pin is LOW.
unsigned long loopCount = 0;
unsigned long loopCountStart = 0;
unsigned long loopCountEnd = 0;
void loop()
if( wasPressed && !isMeasuring ) {
Serial.println( "Now measuring." );
isMeasuring = true;
wasPressed = false;
loopCountStart = loopCount;
timeStart1 = micros();
Mouse.move( SCHAR_MAX, 0 ); // `void move(signed char x, signed char y, signed char wheel = 0); `
Mouse.move( SCHAR_MAX, 0 ); // `void move(signed char x, signed char y, signed char wheel = 0); `
timeStart2 = micros();
Serial.println( "loopCountStart:" );
Serial.println( loopCountStart );
Serial.println( "pinIsrCount:" );
Serial.println( pinIsrCount );
Serial.println( "timeStart1:" );
Serial.println( timeStart1 );
Serial.println( "timeStart2:" );
Serial.println( timeStart2 );
Serial.println( "diff:" );
Serial.println( timeStart2 - timeStart1 );
else if( wasPressed && isMeasuring ) {
isMeasuring = false;
wasPressed = false;
Serial.println( "Restarting." );
When I run the program and short pin A1 (using a microswitch I have) I see this output in the Serial Monitor window.
I've annotated the times when it returned decreasing values with #here
3:23:01.011 -> testing...
03:23:01.011 -> Mouse ready.
03:23:04.616 -> Now measuring.
03:23:04.616 -> loopCountStart:
03:23:04.616 -> 745004
03:23:04.616 -> timeStart1:
03:23:04.616 -> 5506840
03:23:04.616 -> timeStart2:
03:23:04.616 -> 5505568 # here
03:23:04.616 -> diff:
03:23:04.616 -> 4294966024
03:23:04.616 -> Restarting.
03:23:04.616 ->
03:23:04.616 ->
03:23:06.691 -> Now measuring.
03:23:06.691 -> loopCountStart:
03:23:06.691 -> 1168562
03:23:06.691 -> timeStart1:
03:23:06.691 -> 7501216
03:23:06.738 -> timeStart2:
03:23:06.738 -> 7499944 # here
03:23:06.738 -> diff:
03:23:06.738 -> 4294966024
03:23:06.738 -> Restarting.
03:23:06.738 ->
03:23:06.738 ->
03:23:10.624 -> Now measuring.
03:23:10.624 -> loopCountStart:
03:23:10.624 -> 1970816
03:23:10.624 -> timeStart1:
03:23:10.624 -> 11277592
03:23:10.624 -> timeStart2:
03:23:10.624 -> 11276320 # here
03:23:10.624 -> diff:
03:23:10.624 -> 4294966024
03:23:10.624 -> Restarting.
03:23:10.624 ->
03:23:10.624 ->
03:23:11.959 -> Now measuring.
03:23:11.959 -> loopCountStart:
03:23:11.959 -> 2222478
03:23:11.959 -> timeStart1:
03:23:11.959 -> 12462552
03:23:11.959 -> timeStart2:
03:23:11.959 -> 12463328 # this time it worked correctly
03:23:11.959 -> diff:
03:23:11.959 -> 776
03:23:11.959 -> Restarting.
03:23:11.959 ->
03:23:11.959 ->
03:23:14.791 -> Now measuring.
03:23:14.791 -> loopCountStart:
03:23:14.791 -> 2792180
03:23:14.791 -> timeStart1:
03:23:14.791 -> 15143280
03:23:14.791 -> timeStart2:
03:23:14.791 -> 15144056 # it worked correctly here too
03:23:14.791 -> diff:
03:23:14.791 -> 776
03:23:14.791 -> Restarting.
03:23:14.791 ->
03:23:14.791 ->
03:23:15.805 -> Now measuring.
03:23:15.805 -> loopCountStart:
03:23:15.805 -> 2984267
03:23:15.805 -> timeStart1:
03:23:15.805 -> 16048832
03:23:15.805 -> timeStart2:
03:23:15.852 -> 16049608 # and here too
03:23:15.852 -> diff:
03:23:15.852 -> 776
03:23:15.852 -> Restarting.
03:23:15.852 ->
03:23:15.852 ->