Hey everyone,
Project I'm Working On: Creating a RFID reader-based login system that adjusts multiple systems to the set preferences of the user who logs in.
Section that I'm having the problem on: One specific RFID tag is designated to be the administrator. When the administrator logs in, it starts the adminRoutine function which begins accepting serial input. Using this serial input/output, the administrator can add and remove users.
What is the problem: The problem occurs in the code for the admin choosing the second option to remove a user. It first prints out the list of available users to remove, then takes the number and makes sure it's in the range using converted ASCII values (e.g. for 5 users, makes sure it's in slots 1, 2, 3, 4, because 0 is for admin). It uses that number to call the removeUser function. Right now, removeUser does nothing but return, so that's not the problem. Everything compiles fine. Here is the section of code with the issue:
nextByte = Serial.read(); //Read incoming byte
if ((nextByte >= 49) && (nextByte <= (49 + NUMBER_USERS - 2))) { //If number is within range (converted ASCII values)
//THIS LINE!!!!!!!
if ((users[nextByte - 48].removeUser())) { //If a user exists at requested slot, remove them
users[nextByte - 48].removeUser();
validInput = true; //Received valid input
Serial.println("User removed successfully.\n");
I determined the problem lies here by isolating smaller parts using comments. If this section is commented out, the program runs and will print "Start" which signifies that it entered void loop(). If it isn't commented out, it will print nothing and the reader will not function, meaning it did not even enter the void loop(). Very interesting and frustrating problem. Here's the whole adminRoutine() function. It has been doing some other weird things lately. I just tried running it again without ever calling the adminRoutine function in void loop() and the serial started spitting out Serial.print() lines from the adminRoutine() function. I'm pretty perplexed. Let me know if you need any other code.
void adminRoutine() { //Administrator routine
Serial.println("Started Admin Routine!");
users[0].login(keyboard); //Log administrator into computer
char logout = 0; //Turns 1 if system wants to logout
byte incomingByte; //Store incoming byte
char startCommand[5]; //Command to start user management routine
while (logout == 0) { //Loop until admin logs out
Serial.println("Waiting for Start command.");
if (Serial.available() > 0) { //If data is available to be read
char dataRead = 0; //0 if no data was read, 1 if it was read
int i = 0; //Iterator variable
for (incomingByte = Serial.read(); i < 5; ++i) { //Read each byte as it arrives
startCommand[i] = incomingByte; //Store each byte
char timeoutCount = 0; //Counter for timeout
while(Serial.available() <= 0) { //Wait until data is read or timeout if no data received
if(timeoutCount == DATA_TIMEOUT) { //Timeout, no data has been sent
dataRead = 1;
delay(1); //Delay 1 millisecond
++timeoutCount; //Increment count
Serial.flush(); //Flush any remaining serial data
if(dataRead && (startCommand == "start")) { //If data has been read and the command entered was start
Serial.println("Start Command Received.");
char stopAdmin = 0; //If set to 1, stop administrative tasks
Serial.println("Welcome Administrator."); //Print welcome message
while (!stopAdmin) { //While stop isn't triggered
//Start printing of options
Serial.println("\nPlease select one of the following options by entering its number:");
Serial.println("1. Add User");
Serial.println("2. Remove User");
Serial.println("3. List Users");
Serial.println("4. Exit");
while (Serial.available()) {
}; //Wait for serial input to be available
incomingByte = Serial.read();
if(incomingByte == '1') { //If administrator wants to add a user
char username[MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; //To store username (+1 for NULL)
char password[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH + 1]; //To store password (+1 for NULL)
char RFIDTag[TAG_LENGTH]; //To store a tag
Serial.println("Option 1: Add User"); //Echo option chosen
Serial.println("\nScan the SmartCard of the user to be added."); //Prompt admin to scan user's RFID tag
/***Get RFID Information***/
while(1) { //Infinite loop to wait for tag scan
if(getRFIDTag(RFIDTag) && tagValid(RFIDTag)) { //If RFID is available and is a valid tag
break; //Break out of infinite loop
getUsernameAdmin(username); //Get username to add user
getPasswordAdmin(password); //Get password to add user
/***Add User***/
if (newUser(RFIDTag, username, password)) //Add new users using entered credentials, if added successfully
Serial.println("\nUser added successfully!\n");
else //Maximum number of users reached
Serial.println("\nUser was not added. Maximum number of users reached or SmartCard is already in use.\n");
else if (incomingByte == '2') { //If administrator wants to remove a user
Serial.println("Option 2: Remove User"); //Echo option chosen
Serial.println("\nChoose the user you would like to remove by entering their number:");
for (int i = 1; i < NUMBER_USERS; ++i) { //Loop through users, starting with 1 because 0 is admin
Serial.print(i); //Print list of usernames
Serial.print(". ");
if(users[i].empty()) //If user slot is empty
Serial.print("EMPTY"); //Print that slot is empty
else //If user is present
Serial.print(users[i].username()); //Print username
Serial.flush(); //Clear serial buffer
bool validInput = false;
while (!validInput) { //While input is not valid
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
} //Wait for serial input to be available
int nextByte = '\0';
nextByte = Serial.read(); //Read incoming byte
if ((nextByte >= 49) && (nextByte <= (49 + NUMBER_USERS - 2))) { //If number is within range (converted ASCII values)
//THIS LINE!!!!!!!
if ((users[nextByte - 48].removeUser())) { //If a user exists at requested slot, remove them
users[nextByte - 48].removeUser();
validInput = true; //Received valid input
Serial.println("User removed successfully.\n");
else { //If slot is empty
Serial.println("Requested slot is empty. Please choose another.");
else //If invalid input
Serial.println("Invalid input. Please input a valid slot number.");
else if (incomingByte == '3') { //If administrator wants to list users
Serial.println("Option 3: List Users"); //Echo option chosen
for (int i = 1; i < NUMBER_USERS; ++i) { //Loop through users, starting with 1 because 0 is admin
Serial.print(i); //Print list of usernames
Serial.print(". ");
if(users[i].empty()) //If user slot is empty
Serial.print("EMPTY"); //Print that slot is empty
else //If user is present
Serial.print(users[i].username()); //Print username
else if (incomingByte == '4') { //If administrator wants to exit
Serial.println("Option 4: Exit"); //Echo option chosen
stopAdmin = 1; //Trigger to stop administrative tasks
else //Command invalid
Serial.println("\nCommand was not recognized.");
else { //If command was not "start", invalid
Serial.println("Command Invalid.");
Serial.println("Please enter \"start\" to start administrative tasks.");
If you guys can figure this one out, I'd be in your debt. It's been puzzling me for days.