Secured data between Arduino and android app via Bluetooth

I am doing analog sensor project which is sensing sound in analog, converted to digital dB value and transferred to android app. So main objective of this discussion is secure data transferring between arduino and apk. Because in playstore there is so many bluetooth terminal app available anyone install and interface with arduino device and start using it. But I have own apk for my company to monitor sound via bluetooth so i like to secure ." Like i need to allocate specific address location for sensor value where its stored in terms bits/HEX . while accessing the data from arduino from apk i need to call that specific address,from that i can include that specific address in apk source code. so , only my apk able to communicate with arduino device. this is concept i'm struggling in allocating specific address for sensor value in arduino please do some helpful if you know

Have you considered a simple password test?

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The code is irrelevant, and also rubbish. Never use software serial on the hardware serial pins 0,1. I submit your real problem is in configuration of Bluetooth, rather than code in Arduino. You probably need no more than set the password in Bluetooth like everybody else does but, if your paranoia is really getting the better of you, you might like to configure Bluetooth to connect to one specific MAC address. See the Martyn Currey website. There is more than one way to do this. I assume they apply to Android as much as to other Blueteeth. I also assume you are using HC-05, although Martyn's stuff may also cover BLE devices by now. No real comment on "apk", I guess it is just meaningless technobabble and, as far as Android is concerned, Morisch's terminal will probably suffice.

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