I manage to disassembling a hex file with:
/opt/arduino-1.8.2/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-objdump -S -j .sec1 -d -C -m avr5 file.ino.hex
How can I get C++/C functions to be printed allong with the assembler so I can get something useful to analyse?
Something simular to this:
void foo()
f0 91 7f 02 lds r31, 0x027F ;*
06 80 ldd r0, Z+6 ; 0x06 ;*load function from vtable
f7 81 ldd r31, Z+7 ;move vtable pointer into Z
e0 2d mov r30, r0 ;
72 01 movw r14, r4 ; load color
84 01 movw r16, r8 ; load y2
96 01 movw r18, r12 ; load x2
40 e0 ldi r20, 0x00 ; load 0
50 e0 ldi r21, 0x00 ;
60 e0 ldi r22, 0x00 ; load 0
70 e0 ldi r23, 0x00 ;
8e e7 ldi r24, 0x7E ; load "this" pointer