Should I just buy a basic beginner kit and have a go at a few simple projects?
My thoughts are that you have a specific example in mind.
beginner kits are nice for the walk through of each of the code examples, so they give you a hands-on approach.
but, the shaft sensor is really the first step.
as was noted, it is probably a Hall Effect sensor
This is a good video to show the three basic types. HALL SENSORS
quickly, One type is analog, closer you are, the stronger the signal a second has to have the magnet (+) side to turn on and then it must have the (-) side to turn off. the third is the one you probably have, it turns on when the magnet is near, then off when it goes away. you need to understand the 3 types or you will go krazy thinking it is not working.
if you want to learn the basics, I would agree with Robin2, the UNI is the most common board to learn with and there are a lot of plug in boards, called shields, that just plug in and save time.
if you have one specific goal and do not expect to use it as a hobby, then my point of view is to learn what you need to get the job done.
We tell people to create a sketch, list all the points that are inputs, and list all the points that are outputs.
then create your parts list and how things go together.
if this is your first project, the best learning, in my humble opinion, is doing what you need and want to do.
but do it as a learning process and expand as you learn.
as a note, if you can turn on an LED, you can turn on the world. Just as they say that every journey starts with the first step, an LED turns on with an output of a completed circuit. so does a motor, a relay a fan a light and pretty much every output you can think of.
if you get the inputs to work, and your logic to work and an LED to work, then the next step is just to make that signal do what you want it to do.
Since I am on a rant.... I have long thought that 'starter kits' should be designed for a type of work.
a stepper motor stater kit, or a basic motor starter kit
a communication starter kit with different types of devices
a sensors starter kit, also with different types of sensors.
a displays starter kit with different displays
that way, one can put the kits that align with the project