Hey everyone,
I am pretty new to this but already I made a speaker sweep tester using a nano board and a 2,5 W amplifier.
Now as I am a theatre technician I wanted to have a simple button control for my show control software QLAB, which only runs on mac. I fiddled around with some code and my good friend chatgpt to help me make a simpel USB to Midi controller using a Seeeduino XIAO ARM board but is simply doesn't show up on my mac and in my software. I managed to find a sample code from someone else who made a midi controller using 6 buttons and 5 potentiometers with the ADAfruit Tiny USB library, which doesn't give any red flags compiling but still doesn't show up when connection to my macbook with osx big sur and Qlab 4. please, send help!
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Adafruit_TinyUSB.h>
#include <MIDI.h>
const int LED = 13;
Adafruit_USBD_MIDI usb_midi;
byte data;
byte cc_previous[5];
byte sw_previous[6];
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i ++) {
pinMode(5 + i, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
void readPots() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
data = analogRead(A0 + i) << 1;
if (data != cc_previous[i]) {
cc_previous[i] = data;
MIDI.sendControlChange(1 + i, data, 1);
void readSw() {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i ++) {
data = digitalRead(5 + i);
if(data != sw_previous[i]) {
sw_previous[i] = data;
MIDI.sendNoteOn(60 + i, (1 - data) * 127, 1);
digitalWrite(LED, data);