Seeeduino Cloud is based on the Arduino Yun and I'm trying to use it to read 2000 chars from a test device using Serial1, pass it across via FileIO to the Yun to be transmitted to a computer via WiFi.
But as soon as I invoke Serial1.begin(115200) all FileIO operations appear to fail with repeated spurious messages being sent from Serial1 (usually quoting the file name or data). These are sent 50 times before giving up.
Two questions: Am I trying to do the impossible? Is there some way I can stop Serial1 from running while I send data via FileIO?
This is being done to overcome the limited RAM in the Arduino chip.
More reading in the forum has led me to the conclusion that this whole problem is as result of a major misunderstanding. Serial1 is not an independent serial line but is integral to interface between the Arduino chip and the Yun system. So when I use the FileIO system, it uses this serial line to communicate. Then turning on Serial1 I have a conflict and no wonder FileIO gets muddled and what I'm seeing on Serial1 xmt are the truly the FileIO errors being sent back to the Arduino.
So I need to set up a SoftSerial line for my input - hopefully it be able to go fast enough for my needs.
Thanks for listening,
Serial1 is not an independent serial line but is integral to interface between the Arduino chip and the Yun system. So when I use the FileIO system, it uses this serial line to communicate. Then turning on Serial1 I have a conflict
Absolutely correct.
So I need to set up a SoftSerial line for my input - hopefully it be able to go fast enough for my needs.
That is a possible solution. The documentation lists some pin restrictions for the Leonardo: pay attention to them since the Yun uses the same processor and has the same restriction.