Seeking guidance for night lamp + music player

First of all, thanks for the interest and taking the time to read this.
While i have a bit of experience and im a fast learner, please treat me as a total beginner :slight_smile:

To make it short, im seeking guidance to make a night light that can also play .WAVs from a (micro)SD card.

Lighting should be dim (It's a night light after all!) so i guess some LEDs will be enough, and i plan to fashion a lamp screen from paper or cloth, maybe thin plastic sheets. (Any suggestions on a material to make the lamp screen will be greatly appreaciated!)

The "frame" for all of this will be made out of wood, if that's important.

Both should be able to be controlled independently (Light can be on without sound, sound can play without the light being on, you get the idea).

Oh, and i plan on using an Arduino UNO, by the way it should be plugged into a wall outlet, no batteries.

Im aware there are many tutorials on making an Arduino player or lamp, but im seeking guidance (or common mistakes to avoid) on how to "mix" these together. Keep in mind that while it may be very easy for some of you, its still a challenge for me.

Thanks in advance!

What did you try so far? What's the problem?

So first from those "many tutorials" choose a "light on/off" program and a "play music from SD card" program that do what you want and get those two working completely separately.

When you've done that read Merging Code and give it a go. If you have problems post your best attempt back here and we'll help you to get it working.


Well, here's your .WAV player for a start:

Apparently the silver disc is a built-in speaker - a bit "tinny" but may serve your requirement.

DFPlayer mini (similar to above but without on-board speaker (never even saw that one before?!) for sound.

What type of lighting are you talking about?

All one color?


Or individually addressable RGB(W) leds?