Hello, i am using Teensy 3.2 for o a project and i was thinking how to solve this mystery
I want to generate a wavetable of 17 variables or more, but it's enough this row to understand it
- The hight values ± 32760 peak to peak
- p1, p2 will be adjusted with a analog pots (or an encoder)
And here is the mystery :o
- i want the
int segment = analogRead(A3);
Analog POT from the code below to connect the variables
p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p110, p111, p112, p113, p114, p115, p116
- between points p1 and p2 with a line blending a logaritmic (concave) and 90 ungle at the maximum rotation of the POT, respectively straight line at midle, logaritmic (covexe) below midle and -90 at minimum rotation
int pr1 = analogRead(A1);
int16_t p1 = map(pr1,0, 4095 -32760, 32760);
int pr2 = analogRead(A2);
int16_t p2 = map(pr2,0, 4095 -32760, 32760);
int segment = analogRead(A3); //line between point p1 and p2
int16_t sqrx2[17] = {
  p1, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p110, p111, p112, p113, p114, p115, p116
  p2,     Â
ANy sugestions? Thanks in advance