HI my name is sreeram
from India .i am noob in arduino
few day i was working on a project .my idea i want make a equipment which have will collect vibration data in analog,temperature in analog,sound in analog,wifi data transfer ,Bluetooth i done some ground work i never seen code for make all 5 in one aurduino .and i don;t have idea how write all 5 code combine them.my other problem is selecting aruduino ,because i need at least 3 analog sensors
Welcome, sreeramyns,
well, first thing you need to do is learn how to communicate in english, cos boy o boy it's hard to understand you
If you need WIFI/Bluetooth use NodeMCU-32S, it has many analog inputs for your sensors.
For programing part use Youtube. To combine few codes just copy paste them in one file. But leave only one "void setup()" and only one "void loop()".