Hi @deetz.
The Arduino boards platform framework allows the platform developer to include "custom board options" in a board definition. These "custom board options" can be used by the user to adjust the configuration of that board definition. In order to make it easier for the users to select their board from the large number of targets supported by the platform, the developers of the STMicroelectronics:stm32
platform created a board definition only for each of the STM32 microcontroller series. The specific board part number within that series is then selected via a "custom board option".
When using Arduino CLI, the custom board options are set via --board-options
flags added to the arduino-cli
The format of the flag is like this:
--board-options "<menu ID>=<option ID>"
(where <menu ID>
and <option ID>
are placeholders for the custom board options menu and menu option you are setting)
If you don't set an option ID via your arduino-cli
command, the default option is used. The reason you aren't getting your intended results is because you didn't set the board part number option and the default option doesn't happen to match your board model.
You can learn all the available menu IDs and option IDs for a given board by running the following arduino-cli
arduino-cli board details --fqbn <FQBN>
(where <FQBN>
is replaced by the fully qualified board name of the board definition you are using)
For example:
arduino-cli board details --fqbn STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF1
Board name: Generic STM32F1 series
FQBN: STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF1
Board version: 2.5.0
Debugging supported: ✔
Package name: STMicroelectronics
Package maintainer: STMicroelectronics
Package URL: https://github.com/stm32duino/BoardManagerFiles/raw/main/package_stmicroelectronics_index.json
Package website: https://github.com/stm32duino
Package online help: http://www.stm32duino.com/
Platform name: STM32 MCU based boards
Platform category: Contributed
Platform architecture: stm32
Platform URL: https://github.com/stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32/releases/download/2.5.0/STM32-2.5.0.tar.bz2
Platform file name: STM32-2.5.0.tar.bz2
Platform size (bytes): 43417522
Platform checksum: SHA-256:31fa78777834e869bd488e34e53c47a03f0f3dd6c63a3a2c5e0039d0baa8fcb1
Required tool: STMicroelectronics:CMSIS 5.7.0
Required tool: STMicroelectronics:STM32Tools 2.2.0
Required tool: STMicroelectronics:xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc 12.2.1-1.2
Required tool: STMicroelectronics:xpack-openocd 0.12.0-1
Option: Board part number pnum
BluePill F103C6 (32K) ✔ pnum=BLUEPILL_F103C6
BluePill F103C8 pnum=BLUEPILL_F103C8
BluePill F103CB (or C8 with 128k) pnum=BLUEPILL_F103CB
BlackPill F103C8 pnum=BLACKPILL_F103C8
BlackPill F103CB (or C8 with 128k) pnum=BLACKPILL_F103CB
Maple Mini F103CB pnum=MAPLEMINI_F103CB
Blue Button F103R8T pnum=BLUEBUTTON_F103R8T
Blue Button F103RBT pnum=BLUEBUTTON_F103RBT
Blue Button F103RCT pnum=BLUEBUTTON_F103RCT
Blue Button F103RET pnum=BLUEBUTTON_F103RET
Generic F100C4Tx pnum=GENERIC_F100C4TX
Generic F100C6Tx pnum=GENERIC_F100C6TX
Generic F100C8Tx pnum=GENERIC_F100C8TX
Generic F100CBTx pnum=GENERIC_F100CBTX
Generic F100R4Hx pnum=GENERIC_F100R4HX
Generic F100R6Hx pnum=GENERIC_F100R6HX
Generic F100R8Tx pnum=GENERIC_F100R8TX
Generic F100RBTx pnum=GENERIC_F100RBTX
Generic F100V8Tx pnum=GENERIC_F100V8TX
Generic F100VBTx pnum=GENERIC_F100VBTX
Generic F100ZCTx pnum=GENERIC_F100ZCTX
Generic F100ZDTx pnum=GENERIC_F100ZDTX
Generic F100ZETx pnum=GENERIC_F100ZETX
Generic F101C4Tx pnum=GENERIC_F101C4TX
Generic F101C6Tx pnum=GENERIC_F101C6TX
Generic F101R4Tx pnum=GENERIC_F101R4TX
Generic F101R6Tx pnum=GENERIC_F101R6TX
Generic F101T4Ux pnum=GENERIC_F101T4UX
Generic F101T6Ux pnum=GENERIC_F101T6UX
Generic F101V8Tx pnum=GENERIC_F101V8TX
Generic F101VBTx pnum=GENERIC_F101VBTX
Generic F101ZCTx pnum=GENERIC_F101ZCTX
Generic F101ZDTx pnum=GENERIC_F101ZDTX
Generic F101ZETx pnum=GENERIC_F101ZETX
Generic F103C4Tx pnum=GENERIC_F103C4TX
Generic F103C6Tx pnum=GENERIC_F103C6TX
Generic F103C6Ux pnum=GENERIC_F103C6UX
Generic F103C8Tx pnum=GENERIC_F103C8TX
Generic F103CBTx pnum=GENERIC_F103CBTX
Generic F103CBUx pnum=GENERIC_F103CBUX
Generic F103R4Hx pnum=GENERIC_F103R4HX
Generic F103R6Hx pnum=GENERIC_F103R6HX
Generic F103R4Tx pnum=GENERIC_F103R4TX
Generic F103R6Tx pnum=GENERIC_F103R6TX
Generic F103R8Hx pnum=GENERIC_F103R8HX
Generic F103RBHx pnum=GENERIC_F103RBHX
Generic F103R8Tx pnum=GENERIC_F103R8TX
Generic F103RBTx pnum=GENERIC_F103RBTX
Generic F103RCTx pnum=GENERIC_F103RCTX
Generic F103RDTx pnum=GENERIC_F103RDTX
Generic F103RETx pnum=GENERIC_F103RETX
Generic F103RCYx pnum=GENERIC_F103RCYX
Generic F103RDYx pnum=GENERIC_F103RDYX
Generic F103REYx pnum=GENERIC_F103REYX
Generic F103RFTx pnum=GENERIC_F103RFTX
Generic F103RGTx pnum=GENERIC_F103RGTX
Generic F103T4Ux pnum=GENERIC_F103T4UX
Generic F103T6Ux pnum=GENERIC_F103T6UX
Generic F103T8Ux pnum=GENERIC_F103T8UX
Generic F103TBUx pnum=GENERIC_F103TBUX
Generic F103V8Hx pnum=GENERIC_F103V8HX
Generic F103VBHx pnum=GENERIC_F103VBHX
Generic F103V8Tx pnum=GENERIC_F103V8TX
Generic F103VBTx pnum=GENERIC_F103VBTX
Generic F103VBIx pnum=GENERIC_F103VBIX
Generic F103VCHx pnum=GENERIC_F103VCHX
Generic F103VDHx pnum=GENERIC_F103VDHX
Generic F103VEHx pnum=GENERIC_F103VEHX
Generic F103VCTx pnum=GENERIC_F103VCTX
Generic F103VDTx pnum=GENERIC_F103VDTX
Generic F103VETx pnum=GENERIC_F103VETX
Generic F103VFTx pnum=GENERIC_F103VFTX
Generic F103VGTx pnum=GENERIC_F103VGTX
Generic F103ZCHx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZCHX
Generic F103ZDHx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZDHX
Generic F103ZEHx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZEHX
Generic F103ZCTx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZCTX
Generic F103ZDTx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZDTX
Generic F103ZETx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZETX
Generic F103ZFHx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZFHX
Generic F103ZGHx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZGHX
Generic F103ZFTx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZFTX
Generic F103ZGTx pnum=GENERIC_F103ZGTX
Option: U(S)ART support xserial
Enabled (generic 'Serial') ✔ xserial=generic
Enabled (no generic 'Serial') xserial=none
Disabled (no Serial support) xserial=disabled
Option: USB support (if available) usb
None ✔ usb=none
CDC (generic 'Serial' supersede U(S)ART) usb=CDCgen
CDC (no generic 'Serial') usb=CDC
HID (keyboard and mouse) usb=HID
Option: USB speed (if available) xusb
Low/Full Speed ✔ xusb=FS
High Speed xusb=HS
High Speed in Full Speed mode xusb=HSFS
Option: Optimize opt
Smallest (-Os default) ✔ opt=osstd
Smallest (-Os) with LTO opt=oslto
Fast (-O1) opt=o1std
Fast (-O1) with LTO opt=o1lto
Faster (-O2) opt=o2std
Faster (-O2) with LTO opt=o2lto
Fastest (-O3) opt=o3std
Fastest (-O3) with LTO opt=o3lto
Debug (-Og) opt=ogstd
No Optimization (-O0) opt=o0std
Option: Debug symbols and core logs dbg
None ✔ dbg=none
Symbols Enabled (-g) dbg=enable_sym
Core logs Enabled dbg=enable_log
Core Logs and Symbols Enabled (-g) dbg=enable_all
Option: C Runtime Library rtlib
Newlib Nano (default) ✔ rtlib=nano
Newlib Nano + Float Printf rtlib=nanofp
Newlib Nano + Float Scanf rtlib=nanofs
Newlib Nano + Float Printf/Scanf rtlib=nanofps
Newlib Standard rtlib=full
Option: Upload method upload_method
STM32CubeProgrammer (SWD) ✔ upload_method=swdMethod
STM32CubeProgrammer (Serial) upload_method=serialMethod
STM32CubeProgrammer (DFU) upload_method=dfuMethod
BMP (Black Magic Probe) upload_method=bmpMethod
HID Bootloader 2.2 upload_method=hidMethod
Maple DFU Bootloader 2.0 upload_method=dfu2Method
Maple DFU Bootloader original upload_method=dfuoMethod
Programmers: ID Name
Here we can see that the ID for the "Board part number" menu is pnum
and the ID for the "Maple Mini F103CB" option is MAPLEMINI_F103CB
So, if you wanted to compile a sketch with this custom board option, you would use the following command:
arduino-cli compile --fqbn STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF1 --board-options "pnum=MAPLEMINI_F103CB"
ⓘ You can add multiple --board-options
flags to an arduino-cli
command if you want to set multiple custom board options menus.
The --build-property
flag allows doing very advanced things, but it should be used only when absolutely necessary because it requires an in depth understanding of the Arduino boards platform framework as well as the target platform's configuration. That configuration can change from one release of the platform to another without notice since the properties are not part of the platform's public API.
In this case where the platform developers have provided a nice public interface for configuring the board part number, it doesn't make sense to use the --build-property