Selection of components


I'm making a project of a robot leaving a maze based on arduino uno.

I have reached the point where the DC motors I have chosen are too fast and inaccurate (cheap china motors - Silnik DC 1:48 3-6V z podwójnym wałem 200RPM Sklep Botland)

I need more accurate motors that can be controlled also at slower speeds (but at the same time cope with the weight of the robot, which is about 1-2 kg)

only Poland shipment

My actual setup:
Arduino Uno
Bridge L298N
12v batteries
hc sensors x3
2 wheels

Can you help me?

Add a gear box???

No not from that list of parts. Post a proposed annotated schematic showing how you plan on connecting this stuff together. Show all connections, power, ground. You might also want to follow a few tutorials on schematics, the wiring diagrams (frizzes) many try to use are not schematics and leave a lot of information up for guess. Also post some code showing what you intend to do.


int motor1pin1 = 2;
int motor1pin2 = 4;
int motor2pin1 = 7;
int motor2pin2 = 8;

int enA = 5;
int enB = 6;

int trigPin1 = 11;
int echoPin1 = 3;
int trigPin2 = 10;
int echoPin2 = 9;
int trigPin3 = 13;
int echoPin3 = 12;

int prawo = 0;
int przod = 0;
int lewo = 0;
int position = 0;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin3, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motor1pin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor1pin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2pin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2pin2, OUTPUT);

int zmierzOdleglosc(int trigPin, int echoPin) {
  long czas, dystans;

  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

  czas = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  dystans = czas / 58;

  return dystans;

int positionCheck(int prawo,int lewo, int przod) {
  if (przod <= 15 || przod >=200) {

    if (prawo <= 15 || przod >=200) {
      //case 3;
      return 3;

    if (lewo <= 15 || lewo >=200) {
      //case 2;
      return 2;
    //case 0 
    return 1;
  //case 0 
  return 0;


void loop() {

	analogWrite(enA, 92);
  analogWrite(enB, 93);

  Serial.print("PRAWO 1: ");
  prawo = zmierzOdleglosc(trigPin1, echoPin1);
  Serial.println(" cm");

  Serial.print("PRZOD 2: ");
  przod = zmierzOdleglosc(trigPin2, echoPin2);
  Serial.println(" cm");

  Serial.print("LEWO 3: ");
  lewo = zmierzOdleglosc(trigPin3, echoPin3);
  Serial.println(" cm");

  position = positionCheck(prawo,lewo,przod);

  switch (position) {
    case (0):
      digitalWrite(motor1pin1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motor1pin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor2pin1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);
      Serial.println("CASE 0");

    case (1):
      digitalWrite(motor1pin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor1pin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor2pin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor1pin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor1pin2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motor2pin1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);
      Serial.println("CASE 1");
      digitalWrite(motor1pin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor1pin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor2pin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);

    case (2):
    digitalWrite(motor1pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor1pin2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor2pin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);
    Serial.println("CASE 2");
    digitalWrite(motor1pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor1pin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);

    case (3):
    digitalWrite(motor1pin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motor1pin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2pin2, HIGH);
    Serial.println("CASE 3");
    digitalWrite(motor1pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor1pin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motor2pin2, LOW);



diagram without sensors connected because im testing the motor and motion of robot for this moment

pic of motors connected

Wy not use pwm to reduce the speed of the motors....

analogWrite(enA, 92);

analogWrite(enB, 93);

as you can see in my code - im using it now (these 2 values are different because i tried to synchronize speed of both motors - which was not success)

so im trying now find different way to build easy drive for this project which will be precise enough to overcome mazes

2 motors will never turn exactly equal. You would need an encoder to measure revs and then have your pwm values as variables. And set those variables based on the encoder readings...

Doesn't that same company sell motors in a similar form factor but higher gear ratio (and thus slower): Silnik DC Dagu DG01D 120:1 4,5V z podwójnym wałem Sklep Botland

Still, if you're running 3-6V motors off of a 12V battery, you may have issues even with PWM.

Encoders are a good idea, too.

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The 9V battery will not cut it. Also a lot of black lines going to black dots, what are you trying to convey. I do not have parts that look like yours.

That is typical with these cheep yellow motors , but how do you plan to make 90 deg turn in the maze?

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