send and receive on software serial

Hello all,
I am testing multiple software serial on a few Arduino ProMini units, and I am using a pre-coded sketch "Software Serial Example". However the sketch mentions:

"Receives from the hardware serial, sends to software serial.
Receives from software serial, sends to hardware serial."

How could I do all my send and receive on software then between any two devices? Also, how would I test this? Could I use a simple LED connection (e.g. each time I listen for one port before giving it up and go to the other port)?

Many thanks for your help.


How could I do all my send and receive on software then between any two devices?

Exactly the same as you would using hardware serial.

SoftwareSerial device(pinX, pinY);

device.print("This goes out");

if(device.available() > 0)
   char c =;
   // Do something with c

Also, how would I test this?

If you had a real reason for doing "this" (whatever this is), I'm sure that it would be perfectly obvious how to test it.

Note that if you create more than one SoftwareSerial port only one will be listening for received characters as a time.

If you need more than two serial ports (one Serial and one SoftwareSerial) you should consider switching to an Arduino Mega.