i have the sim7000 arduino expansion shield and i want to get the results from the bme280 sensor( which is on the sim7000) and send it directly to a phone. Does anyone know how i can do that?
How do you want to send the results? Web page access, SMS, IoT dashboard etc.
i would prefer via sms or via iot dashboard i don't know which is the better and easiest way to collect the results
SMS is straight to your phone.
Using an IoT dashboard you will need to connect your phone to the dashboard when you want to read the values but it will also chart the readings so you can see graph of past readings and you can access the readings from any phone/PC with internet access.
The sim7000 tutorial here shows examples of reading the BME280 and also sending requests to a website.
Google is your friend here as others will have done similar things to what you want to do. It's just a case of tailoring examples you find to what you need.