Send data from sensor via Modbus TCP Ethernet


I hope I have selected the correct forum "advice on general approaches and feasibility".
For two days I have been working with an arduino uno that has an Axis Accelerometer (third party) and an ethernet shield Rev2 connected. The purpose is to send specific data from the censor via the ethernet cable to an IPC. I have made this work perfectly fine with the Telnet protocol. However, it would make somebody else's life much easier if I could transfer the data as Modbus TCP (or OPC UA (but it was easier getting modbus connected)).

I have downloaded all extensions, read the forums, and watched all the youtube videos i could find on arduino and modbus TCP. but I am not yet smart enough to understand if this is a simple task or completely overkill. What I need help with are ways to transfer sensor values via modbus tcp that are also recorded by the arduino at the same time.

With telnet i would simply do Server.write(VALUE) in the loop when a client was connected.
Is there a similar way with Modbus TCP, where I can write on 40001 when a client is connected, without defining the master list as a text file? Maybe a byte array?

I can provide some sketch-attempts tomorrow, if this is completely unclear for you.

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