send data via rf433

hi guys
i make a little wireless temperature sensor on based ds18, he work but i want correctly transfer see
my code:

byte data[2];
data[0] =;
data[1] =;
int Temp = (data[1]<< 8)+data[0];
Temp = Temp>>4;

  char msg[255];
      dtostrf(Temp, 0, 0, msg);  
      vw_send((uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg)); // Send temperature.  

now if i use this code i see on my receiver actually data, example

and etc.

it okay, but i want use next format for transfered
please help me, how i can send this string with temperature value?
edit on my receiver side i can't because i want use id for my temperature sensor

int Temp = (data[1]<< 8)+data[0];
Temp = Temp>>4;

  char msg[255];
      dtostrf(Temp, 0, 0, msg);

Why are you using d(ouble)tostr(ing)f(ormatted) to convert an int to a string? itoa() is far smaller and simpler.

but i want use next format for transfered
please help me, how i can send this string with temperature value?

char msg[36];
sprintf(msg, "{\"id\":\"11\",\"t\":\"%d\"}", Temp);
vw_send((uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg));

sprintf(msg, "{"id":"11","t":"%d"}", Temp);

or, since 'id' will be a variable (of sorts, different for each transmitter*):
sprintf(msg, "{\"id\":\"%d\",\"t\":\"%d\"}", id,Temp);
*you can then define the 'id' at the top of your file to be changed easily when you program each one.

If your transmitters are battery-powered you could do with shortening these messages, to save power. You don't really need the captions, the receiver should know what the data looks like.
sprintf(msg, "%02d %03d", id,Temp);
will always output the ids in 2 digits (e.g. "02") and the temps in 3 (e.g. "030" or "-23").

hi, Paul'S and quilkin, thank you for your reply
yes, i think ... i will be use define for at, it really comfortable
i think...maybe i change my string to the next format: 0122 when 01 - this is id, 22 this is temperature

hi guys, can you help me i want use library jeelib for sleep, and it work but if i want control pwr for transmitter i can't pwr down for pin:( see my code for example

#define pwr 4
OneWire ds(0); 
const bool LOWPOWER = true; // set to true to enable low-power sleeping
// must be defined in case we're using the watchdog for low-power waiting
ISR(WDT_vect) { Sleepy::watchdogEvent(); }

void setup () {
   pinMode(pwr, OUTPUT);

void loop () {
digitalWrite(pwr, HIGH);
byte data[2];
data[0] =;
data[1] =;
int Temp = (data[1]<< 8)+data[0];
Temp = Temp>>4;
char msg[255];
      dtostrf(Temp, 0, 0, msg);
      vw_send((uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg)); // Send temperature.  
//now need pwr LOW but if i add LOWthen sleep not work
   for (byte i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
      Sleepy::loseSomeTime(10000);//sleep on the 10 sec

how correctly control pwr, HIGH or LOW for transmitter and dallas? because now it not work:(

Thank you!

int Temp = (data[1]<< 8)+data[0];
Temp = Temp>>4;
char msg[255];
      dtostrf(Temp, 0, 0, msg);

Why on earth are you using dtostrf (double to formatted string) to convert an int to a string? Do you REALLY think that you need a 255 character buffer to hold an int (whose upper limit is 32767) as a string?

What's with the piss-poor indenting of your code. Use Tools + Auto Format before you post code again.

because now it not work:(

We can't help you with that, because you've provided no schematic, no links to non-standard libraries, and no clue what you actually see happening.

it buffer for example and i can use msg[32] but it not solve my problem
i use this libraries GitHub - jeelabs/jeelib: JeeLib for Arduino IDE: Ports, RF12, and RF69 drivers from JeeLabs and
VirtualWire Library, for very cheap wireless communication
GitHub - PaulStoffregen/OneWire: Library for Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire Chips
i'm sorry i don't tell you...this example i use on the the attiny85 and it work...i mean sleep work and i can transmit data but if i use digitalWrite(pwr, HIGH); for enable pwr pin and digtalWrite(pwr, LOW); for disable digital pun it not work
my scheme:
pin 0 for ds18b20
pin 1 for transmitter
pin 4 for pwr ds18 and transmitter( i trying use 3 and 4 pin for power but not have success result)
i use jeelib library for wdt, i want use next logic: check temperature -> enable pwr pin -> send data -> disable pwr pin -> sleep on the one minutes then again
thank you

What doesn't work? Turning the pin on doesn't happen? Be as specific as you can.

yes, not worked pwr pin enable and disable pwr pin:( but if i delete digitalWrite(pwr, x) i see success transfer data via rf. i don't know why:( maybe you have any idea?

guys, help please
how use wdt with low power on the more then 8 second?? one minutes or more...jeelib work if i not use pwr pin, but if i use HIGH lvl or LOW lvl for pwr pin my device not work

i think i create new theme, sorry for floods...please close this theme