Send data with esp8266 to a server socket over a mobile hotspot

Hi, i wat thinking about using my esp8266 as a remote and mobile temperature sensor.
My intent is to connect my esp to to hotspot of my smartphone (this should not be very difficult) and establish a connection with a socket on a remote server to sent the temperature. I don't understand how to connect to the server socket, can anyone help me with this problem giving me some suggestions?

use WiFiClient. it is a TCP socket wrapper in Arduino

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setup a WiFi server on the temperature sensor system, e.g. a HTTP server which would send a web page displaying temperature to a client
a WiFi client running on smartphone connects to the server and requests temperature (web page)

try a web search for ESP8266 Wi-Fi Access point web-server - there are a number of ESP8266 examples which create an access point and run a web server

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as an experiment I modified code from 42 bots to implement on a WeMos D1 ESP8266 WiFi Board a WiFi Access Point running a webserver which displays the temperture read from a TMP102 sensor

resultant web page on an Android phone

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