Send values in web server

Hi, I am a beginner in Arduino, but I need something for make a project.

I need to send some values in real-time to a web server (I can't use Ethernet, so I want to try with 3G); also I need to read in real time this value with other application like Max/msp.

Anyone can help me? I am sorry, but I don't know anything about this, I just read some forum.

I need to send some values in real-time to a web server (I can't use Ethernet, so I want to try with 3G)

So, what is the problem? What hardware have you selected?

also I need to read in real time this value with other application like Max/msp.

That seems pointless. The data will NOT get to the server, using 3G technology, in anything like real-time.

In any case, making Max/Msp get data from a server has nothing to do with the Arduino, so is not appropriate here.

Hi thanks for all!

I want to use a sensor to count how many people pass in front of this sensor. Also this sensor is far from my computer (for this thought to 3G and web server).


Take a look to examples in GSM lib.
You'll find gprs - example.

read in real time this value with other application like Max/msp.
UART or USB will help you.

3G or 2G - that's the question.

Nice! Really thanks! I start from here