Sendig a large array via serial

Hello, here is my code. I would like to send a large array to the PC.

if (commandString.equals("IMPOR")) {
      digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(led3Pin, LOW);
      byte buf[2048];
      for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
        if (Serial.availableForWrite() > 2) {
          byte lb = SRAM.readByte(2 * i);
          byte hb = SRAM.readByte(2 * i + 1);
          int16_t raw2 = word(hb, lb);
          buf[2 * i] = raw2 & 255;
          buf[2 * i + 1] = (raw2 >> 8)  & 255;

I have the following c# code:

private void SerialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            //if (!ComPort.IsOpen) return;
            int bytes = 2048; // ComPort.BytesToRead;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[bytes]; //Párosak a low bytok. Páratlanok a hugh byteok
            ComPort.Read(buffer, 0, bytes);
            int[] intbuffer = Array.ConvertAll(buffer, x => (int)x);
            //int[] bdata = new int[bytes / 2];
            for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                bdata[i] = intbuffer[2 * i + 1] * 256 + intbuffer[2 * i];

Problem is that the buffer array looks like this: The first 100-200 bytes are corret, but the others are all zero. It's fully randim how much byte arrives corret. It's between 10 and 1800. I tried all standard baud rates.

Is there any idea what could be the problem. When I use Serial.println command and check the seria monitor manually all bytes arrived.

Which Arduino do you use, how much RAM does it have?

I use Arduino Due. Sram: 96 KB (two banks: 64KB and 32KB) and Flash memory: 512 KB all available for the user applications