Sending Arrays to ESP32 via WiFi or Bluetooth

Hi there,

I've set myself a rather ambitious (for me) project of creating an app on android which will allow people to put in their name and have it displayed on two 32 x 8 LED matrices.

Each letter will have its own array and lets say it will be max 12 characters able to be displayed.

I have done http requests to turn a relay on and off before but I am trying to think how to achieve this next level of complexity. For sending 1 letter could it be as simple as having 26 different http requests which correspond to 26 different arrays.

Then how to have multiple letters could be the really hard part, unless every time the user types a letter on the app it sends the http request, then to have "sections" on the LED matrix so as to display the relevant array in the correct place.

Or is it better to send the whole word in one go and have an intermediary database like Firebase doing some of the legwork.

Is it better over Bluetooth instead of WiFi?

I think it's possible (we put a man on the moon!) but any guidance would be appreciated on roughly how to go about this in the best, most efficient way.

Many thanks in advance.


I think that the Android app should just send the text of the name, and have the Esp32 receive the name and then do all the processing and matrix control to display the letters.

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