Sending data to a 434Mhz receiver

I would like to program the operation of a winch. I have purchased this remote that lets me in/out the winch but I would like to use an UNO so I can program the in/out but I am not sure how to send this remote signal to the black box (KLS-205X).

This is an image of the remote kit I bought that hooks up to 12V battery and my winch.

Any suggestions or ideas greatly appreciated. I am a beginner. Thanks in advance!

It may be possible for an Arduino and a 433 MHz transmitter to replicate the keyfob signal, but the signal has to be captured and understood. I did a quick search, and it does not appear that anyone has hacked that particular remote, so you would have to do that yourself.

Here is a tutorial that gives a general procedure to decode many different types of remote sensors, and may be applicable.

Alternatively, you could have the Arduino electronically push the buttons on the remote.

Fantastic! Thank you!

Before I go back to re-sniff my RF device I thought I would post the code I am using to send the RF signal with the RF Link Transmitter - 434MHz (WRL-10534) and see if I am doing something wrong in the code.

This code results in no response. I know it is sending something but not making the winch go in. I am pretty sure I have the right series of 1/0 but I may not have the delays correct. So I am going to redo my rf-sniff, but any comments on the code is appreciated.

// Example code for OpenSprinkler RF switch

/* This is demo code for sending RF control signal to
   Stanley Indoor Wireless Remote System
   Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license
   June 2012 @

#define RF_DATA_PIN 3
#define SHORT_DELAY 396

void rf_send(unsigned char command) {
  unsigned char k;
  unsigned char first, second;
  int d;
  // send command (on/off)
  first = 0b00010011;
  for(k=0;k<8;k++) {
    d = ((first>>(7-k)) & 1 ? LONG_DELAY : SHORT_DELAY);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, LOW);    
    delayMicroseconds(TOTAL_DELAY - d);
  Serial.println("first str ");

  // send index string (which station)
  second = 0b11001100;
  for(k=0;k<8;k++) {
    d = ((second>>(7-k)) & 1 ? LONG_DELAY : SHORT_DELAY);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, LOW);    
    delayMicroseconds(TOTAL_DELAY - d);
  Serial.println("seconsd str ");

   // send command (out/in)
  for(k=0;k<8;k++) {
    d = ((command>>(7-k)) & 1 ? LONG_DELAY : SHORT_DELAY);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, LOW);    
    delayMicroseconds(TOTAL_DELAY - d);


void rf_winch_off() {
  // send the same signal multiple times
  // with sync delay
  for(unsigned char i=0;i<10;i++) {

void rf_winch_out() {
  // send the same signal multiple times
  // with sync delay
  for(unsigned char i=0;i<10;i++) {

void rf_winch_in() {
  // send the same signal multiple times
  // with sync delay
  for(unsigned char  i=0;i<10;i++) {

void setup() {


void loop() {



Can you try it with either a much higher baud rate to your serial monitor or temporarily commenting out the serial printing?

These place a good amount of time between your transmitted bytes it seems at a glance.


Do this for both the original remote, and the present setup. Compare!

What a great idea. I didn't think about sniffing what I was sending. I will give that a go. thanks!

my rf_out looks like it is sending the correct signal. When I compare the samples of the correct one it is 1861 samples and the non-working is 1958. So I think that is within the range of error. Since Rayshobby said my samples didn't have to be exact. My rf_in does have a problem on the end and I think that is because it ends with zero and that goes into the pause at zero so it is getting dropped. Still trying to figure that out.

I took out the Serial and printing lines but that didn't seem to make any difference. So could Rayshobby be wrong and I need to have the signal be exact to the samples?

Why think that, when it does not work?

My rf_in does have a problem on the end and I think that is because it ends with zero and that goes into the pause at zero

In order to work, the signal you generate (and sniff) must look more or less the same as the one the remote generates.

Good point. The graphs look almost identical so I guess I will work on getting them identical. Thanks for hanging in with me.

Yahoo! I got it! Thank you @jremington! Your direction and helpful guidance made a huge difference in solving this for me. Thought it might help someone to post my final code.

// Example code for winch RF switch

/* This  code for sending RF control signal to
   winch Wireless Remote System taken from ( and modified by MJ)
   Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license
   June 2012 @

#define RF_DATA_PIN 3
#define SHORT_DELAY 430

unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long startTime;
unsigned long durTime = 5000; // 5 sec, change to about of winch_in() time

unsigned long timerStart,
              interval = 30000, // 30 sec, change to 3600000 for 1 hr
              onTime = 5000; // 5 sec, change to 600000 for 10 min
const byte relayPin = 13; // onboard LED, change to your relay pin number

void rf_send(unsigned char command) {
  unsigned char k;
  unsigned char first, second;
  int d;
  // send command (on/off)
  first = 0b00010011;
  for(k=0;k<8;k++) {
    d = ((first>>(7-k)) & 1 ? LONG_DELAY : SHORT_DELAY);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, LOW);    
    delayMicroseconds(TOTAL_DELAY - d);

  // send index string (which station)
  second = 0b11001100;
  for(k=0;k<8;k++) {
    d = ((second>>(7-k)) & 1 ? LONG_DELAY : SHORT_DELAY);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, LOW);    
    delayMicroseconds(TOTAL_DELAY - d);

   // send command (out/in)
  for(k=0;k<8;k++) {
    d = ((command>>(7-k)) & 1 ? LONG_DELAY : SHORT_DELAY);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, LOW);    
    delayMicroseconds(TOTAL_DELAY - d);

  digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, HIGH);    
  digitalWrite(RF_DATA_PIN, LOW);    


void rf_winch_off() {
  // send the same signal multiple times
  // with sync delay
  for(unsigned char i=0;i<10;i++) {
    rf_send(0b00000000, 0);

void rf_winch_out() {
  // send the same signal multiple times
  // with sync delay
  for(unsigned char i=0;i<10;i++) {

void rf_winch_in() {
  // send the same signal multiple times
  // with sync delay
  for(unsigned char  i=0;i<10;i++) {

void setup() {

  startTime = millis();


void loop()
   currentTime = millis();
   //digitalWrite(relayPin, millis() - timerStart < onTime);
   if (currentTime - timerStart < durTime) {
     digitalWrite(relayPin, 1);
   } else digitalWrite(relayPin, 0);

   if(currentTime - timerStart > interval)
     timerStart += interval;  

Glad you were able to work it out!

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