Hello everyone,
For my school project i have to connect my arduino with a microsoft Sql database (I don't run this database local). I'm using a esp8266 wifi module, and can already connect to the wifi network. The question is now how to connect it to the sql server.
This here is the old code that i used to connect to a local Xampp server and sended data with. This all worked, I also connected from Inteliji Idea to the sql database but there I used a Connection string. But couldn't find anything like that for arduino.
the arduino code keeps saying: Error: Class requires connected server.
Connecting to SQL... ...trying...
...got: 0 retrying...
...got: 0 retrying...
...got: 0 retrying...
Can't add file yet, so here is the code:
MySQL Connector/Arduino Example : connect by wifi
This example demonstrates how to connect to a MySQL server from an
Arduino using an Arduino-compatible Wifi shield. Note that "compatible"
means it must conform to the Ethernet class library or be a derivative
with the same classes and methods.
For more information and documentation, visit the wiki:
Home · ChuckBell/MySQL_Connector_Arduino Wiki · GitHub.
- Change the address of the server to the IP address of the MySQL server
- Change the user and password to a valid MySQL user and password
- Change the SSID and pass to match your WiFi network
- Connect a USB cable to your Arduino
- Select the correct board and port
- Compile and upload the sketch to your Arduino
- Once uploaded, open Serial Monitor (use 115200 speed) and observe
If you do not see messages indicating you have a connection, refer to the
manual for troubleshooting tips. The most common issues are the server is
not accessible from the network or the user name and password is incorrect.
Created by: Dr. Charles A. Bell
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // Use this for WiFi instead of Ethernet.h
#include <MySQL_Connection.h>
#include <MySQL_Cursor.h>
// for ESP8266 microcontroller
int startTimer = D1;
int buttonstate = 0;
int oldmillis = 0;
int timepassed = 0;
unsigned long chrono = 0;
int seconds = 0;
int minutes = 0;
IPAddress server_addr(//); // IP of the MySQL server here
char user[] = "svc_stagebalgenklem"; // MySQL user login username
char password[] = "//"; // MySQL user login password
// Sample query
//char INSERT_SQL[] = "INSERT INTO downtime (downtimebalgenpers) VALUES ('1');";
//char SQL_INSERT2[] = "INSERT INTO SensorData
, ``) VALUES ([]);";
// WiFi card example
char ssid[] = "VBintern"; // your SSID
char pass[] = "//"; // your SSID Password
WiFiClient client; // Use this for WiFi instead of EthernetClient
MySQL_Connection conn(&client);
MySQL_Cursor* cursor;
void setup()
pinMode (startTimer, INPUT);
chrono = millis();
while (!Serial); // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
// Begin WiFi section
Serial.printf("\nConnecting to %s", ssid);
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
// print out info about the connection:
Serial.println("\nConnected to network");
Serial.print("My IP address is: ");
Serial.print("Connecting to SQL... ");
if (conn.connect(server_addr, 3306, user, password))
// create MySQL cursor object
cursor = new MySQL_Cursor(&conn);
void loop() {
int val = digitalRead(D1);
if ((val == 1) && millis() - chrono >= 1000) {
chrono = millis();
//else {
//Serial.println(" signaal niet actief");
void result() {
// if (seconds == 60) {
// seconds = 0;
// minutes ++;
// }
// Serial.print (minutes);
// Serial.print (" M ");
Serial.print (seconds);
Serial.println(" Seconden");
delay (1000);
void versturen() {
int laatstewaarde = digitalRead(seconds);
int val = digitalRead(D1);
if (val == 0) {
String sql = "INSERT INTO foutenregistratiebalgenpers.downtime(tijd) VALUES (" + String(seconds) + ")";
char INSERT_SQL[254];
sql.toCharArray(INSERT_SQL, 254);
if (conn.connected())
Serial.println("Waarde verstuurd");
seconds = 0;
minutes = 0;
Serial.println("Tijd gereset");