Sending HTTP request with Arduino and XBee Wifi S6B

Hello all, I hope I can give you enough information.

My goal is to send an HTTP POST request to a web server with some data collected by the Arduino. I have:

XBee Wifi S6B
Sparkfun RedBoard
XBee Explorer USB (Sparkfun)
XBee Breakout board
Breadboard, resistors, LEDs, etc

I have managed to program the XBee to associate with my wireless network and have confirmed that the MAC address is listed in my router's admin interface.
I'm kind of stuck on where to go next. I know I need to plug DOUT from the XBee to pin 0 on the RedBoard and DIN to pin 1, but after that things get fuzzy. I've looked all over and haven't found a solution for my particular scenario. Most help that I've found assumes the presence of a shield for the XBee, but I don't have one of those. I have also seen where the XBee won't work with the wifi library that comes with the Arduino IDE. I had thought that by putting the XBee in API mode (as opposed to transparent) I would be able to use a library of some sort to abstract away some of the gory details.

So I need to figure out what my next step is. At this point I'd just like to get to a place where I can send a GET request and verify on the server that it's been sent. I'd also like to determine if I have all the connections made that I need to between the XBee breakout board and the RedBoard.

Electronics is fairly new to me but I'm an experienced coder. I hope I've provided enough information here.

I wish someone had some advice for you here not just for your sake, but mine as well. I'm pretty much in exactly the same boat as you are. Have you made any progress with it since you posted? I've see some other examples on the web using other WiFi devices that utilize the standard Arduino WiFi/Ethernet libraries, but there doesn't seem to be any examples anywhere for the XBee S6B yet. I just don't have the skill set to figure it out on my own just yet.

I am on the same boat as you guys. I just can't send a POST requesto to data.sparkfun cloud database.
I have the same components and configuration that the guide shows but i just wont work.
I hope you can help me since it's been almost a year.

Best regards,


Maybe some info.

The guys from sparkun should know, ask them too. Id try learning some of the basics of POST commands and make the command (some Ajax).