Sending int over I2C - UNO master, ATtiny85 slabe

I'm trying to use an ATtiny85 to read a MPX5010DP Freescale Pressure Sensor, then send the reading back to an UNO via I2C. It's just an analog read of the sensor.
I've looked at a number of examples, and this is a far as I've gotten with it. I can read the pin, map the 0-1023 reading down to 0-255 and send it as a byte using the below pair of sketches.

On the UNO:

#include "Wire.h";
int selection=0;
int ATtinyAddress=0x26;
unsigned long marktime; 

void setup(){
void loop(){
  if (millis()>marktime)
    byte v =;

on the ATtiny85

#include "TinyWireS.h"                  
#define I2C_SLAVE_ADDR  0x26            
#define Sensor_PIN  3

void setup(){

void loop(){

void requestEvent()
  int pressure=analogRead(Sensor_PIN);
  byte pbyte=map(pressure,0,1023,0,255);

I'd like the full resolution of the Tiny, though. I know I can use lowByte & highByte to get a pair of bytes, and I know I can word() the two back together once I have them on the UNO.
I'm lost at the part of requesting and receiving two bytes, instead of one, and assigning them usable values on the UNO side.

its here - Arduino Playground - WireLibraryDetailedReference -

check requestFrom(address, count);

its here - Arduino Playground - HomePage -

check requestFrom(address, count);

Thanks for pointing me in that direction. Between that, and plagerizing other code here from the forum (,160680.0.html), I now have a pair of sketches that work, at least. Despite it's function, I'm not fond of this code on the slave.

First, here's the master code so you can see it.

#include "Wire.h";
int ATtinyAddress=0x26;
unsigned long marktime; 

void setup()

void loop(){
  if (millis()>marktime)
    byte hb;
    byte lb;
    if (Wire.available()) 
    int pressure=word(hb,lb);
    Serial.println (pressure); 

Here's the slave code that works.

#include "TinyWireS.h"                  
#define I2C_SLAVE_ADDR  0x26            
#define Sensor_PIN  3
boolean firstbyte = true;

void setup(){

void loop(){

void requestEvent()
  int pressure=analogRead(Sensor_PIN);
  byte plow;
  byte phi;

  if(firstbyte == true)
  {     // on the first byte we do the math
    firstbyte = false;      //so next time though we send the next byte    
    firstbyte = true;

I don't understand why this code doesn't work. What purpose does the boolean firstbyte serve in the above sketch?

void requestEvent()
  int pressure=analogRead(Sensor_PIN);
  byte plow;
  byte phi;

And, in contrast - this works perfectly if I use a Nano as a slave instead of a tiny.

#include "Wire.h"                  
#define I2C_SLAVE_ADDR  0x26            
#define Sensor_PIN  3
int pressure;

void setup(){

void loop()

void requestEvent()
  byte plow=lowByte(pressure);
  byte phi=highByte(pressure);
  byte data[]={plow, phi};
  Wire.write(data, 2);