Sending IR string from flash memory using IRLib2

I'm trying to emit IR signal from flash memory using IRLib2, however, I notice that it is different (printing the numbers) as when it is in SRAM. What is the problem and possible solution to it?

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <DHT.h>
//#include <MQ2.h>
#include <EmonLib.h>
#include <IRLibSendBase.h>    //We need the base code/
#include <IRLib_HashRaw.h>    //Only use raw sender

IRsendRaw mySender;

#define DHTPIN A0 // pino que estamos conectado
#define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT
#define MQ2PIN A1
#define VOLT_CAL_ENTRADA 458
#define VOLT_CAL_SAIDA 503
#define pin2 A4 // Vout2 PM10
#define pin1 2 // Vout1 PM2.

unsigned long tempoDisplay = 0;
unsigned short int umaHora = 0;
bool ar_condicionado = false;
bool dehumidify = false;

#define sampletime_ms 3000 //sampe 1s ;
unsigned long duration1;
unsigned long duration2;
unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy1 = 0;
unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy2 = 0;
float ratio1 = 0;
float ratio2 = 0;
float pm2p5 = 0;
float pm10 = 0;

const byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x04 };
const EthernetServer server(80);     // Cria um servidor WEB
//const MQ2 mq2(MQ2PIN);
EnergyMonitor tensao_entrada_nobreak;
EnergyMonitor tensao_saida_nobreak;

void (*Reset)() = 0;
void controleDeAr();

#define RAW_DATA_LEN 198
const PROGMEM uint16_t rawDataOff[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
  5994, 7398, 506, 1662, 478, 1710, 498, 1690, 
  458, 1706, 506, 1686, 538, 1630, 462, 1722, 
  546, 1626, 546, 610, 518, 586, 498, 638, 
  518, 586, 498, 634, 522, 586, 498, 634, 
  522, 586, 498, 1666, 546, 1642, 546, 1622, 
  442, 1742, 546, 1646, 526, 1634, 550, 1642, 
  546, 1622, 514, 642, 518, 590, 494, 638, 
  518, 586, 494, 642, 518, 586, 498, 634, 
  522, 586, 498, 1662, 546, 1646, 542, 1626, 
  482, 1702, 538, 1650, 534, 1630, 542, 1646, 
  538, 1650, 462, 674, 510, 598, 490, 642, 
  510, 594, 530, 602, 514, 594, 534, 598, 
  514, 618, 514, 1626, 442, 1742, 542, 594, 
  486, 1674, 546, 1642, 546, 590, 494, 1666, 
  498, 1690, 494, 614, 502, 630, 494, 1674, 
  466, 682, 478, 630, 446, 1734, 490, 626, 
  442, 682, 486, 630, 466, 1714, 462, 670, 
  482, 1686, 394, 1790, 486, 626, 446, 1738, 
  454, 1730, 486, 1686, 414, 714, 482, 1702, 
  486, 626, 478, 650, 482, 1690, 414, 710, 
  482, 630, 394, 730, 486, 1702, 486, 622, 
  482, 1706, 486, 626, 394, 1786, 486, 630, 
  466, 658, 486, 1702, 482, 630, 450, 1734, 
  482, 634, 462, 1718, 450, 678, 486, 1686, 
  446, 1734, 486, 7422, 482, 1000};

#define RAW_DATA_LEN 198
uint16_t rawDataOn[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
  5998, 7474, 466, 1718, 470, 1730, 454, 1746, 
  466, 1766, 394, 1770, 466, 1726, 434, 1774, 
  466, 1718, 470, 670, 446, 702, 446, 670, 
  398, 746, 470, 646, 482, 666, 446, 670, 
  470, 646, 442, 1750, 494, 1710, 422, 1770, 
  494, 1698, 414, 1790, 498, 1694, 470, 1734, 
  498, 1690, 542, 622, 478, 642, 478, 638, 
  498, 646, 506, 614, 434, 710, 506, 610, 
  486, 658, 486, 1678, 538, 1670, 506, 1678, 
  478, 1754, 478, 1706, 482, 1726, 454, 1734, 
  482, 1706, 474, 666, 482, 642, 442, 694, 
  482, 638, 446, 694, 454, 666, 450, 694, 
  450, 666, 450, 1762, 454, 662, 478, 642, 
  470, 1738, 450, 1762, 446, 670, 450, 1738, 
  446, 1762, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 450, 1738, 
  442, 698, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 446, 674, 
  446, 694, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 446, 674, 
  446, 1762, 446, 1738, 446, 698, 442, 1742, 
  446, 1742, 466, 1742, 442, 678, 462, 1746, 
  442, 678, 438, 702, 442, 1746, 438, 706, 
  438, 682, 434, 730, 414, 1746, 438, 730, 
  414, 1746, 438, 730, 410, 1750, 434, 734, 
  410, 706, 414, 1794, 414, 706, 414, 1794, 
  414, 706, 414, 1770, 438, 706, 414, 1770, 
  414, 1794, 414, 7550, 414, 1000};

#define RAW_DATA_LEN 198
uint16_t rawDataDehumidify[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
  6062, 7422, 458, 1750, 510, 1678, 506, 1702, 
  506, 1678, 478, 1730, 506, 1682, 474, 1730, 
  510, 1682, 414, 722, 506, 614, 446, 690, 
  510, 614, 474, 662, 510, 610, 510, 630, 
  510, 610, 510, 1698, 506, 1682, 534, 1670, 
  506, 1682, 442, 1758, 514, 1682, 446, 1754, 
  510, 1698, 474, 642, 510, 634, 470, 646, 
  510, 614, 462, 674, 510, 614, 414, 718, 
  510, 638, 394, 1782, 510, 1702, 470, 1714, 
  506, 1702, 506, 1678, 478, 1726, 510, 1682, 
  414, 1786, 510, 634, 442, 674, 510, 614, 
  490, 646, 506, 634, 398, 718, 510, 614, 
  490, 642, 510, 1702, 470, 646, 510, 1698, 
  474, 642, 510, 630, 478, 638, 510, 634, 
  474, 1710, 510, 630, 502, 1686, 498, 638, 
  506, 1682, 474, 1726, 482, 1726, 446, 1738, 
  482, 662, 446, 670, 482, 1726, 482, 1702, 
  454, 686, 506, 1678, 474, 1730, 514, 610, 
  470, 1730, 514, 1694, 478, 638, 518, 626, 
  474, 1710, 482, 658, 506, 610, 550, 1658, 
  510, 610, 450, 686, 510, 1678, 466, 670, 
  510, 1682, 462, 670, 510, 1698, 474, 642, 
  510, 634, 470, 1714, 502, 638, 506, 1678, 
  470, 670, 502, 1690, 462, 670, 502, 1706, 
  442, 1738, 502, 7478, 470, 1000};

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
  if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {
     Serial.println(F("DHCP FAILED"));
  } else {
    Serial.println(F("DHCP DONE"));
  server.begin();           // Inicia esperando por requisiçÔes dos clientes (Browsers)
//  mq2.begin();
  tensao_entrada_nobreak.voltage(NOBREAK_ENTRADA_PIN, VOLT_CAL_ENTRADA, 1.7);
  tensao_saida_nobreak.voltage(NOBREAK_SAIDA_PIN, VOLT_CAL_SAIDA, 1.7);

void loop() {
    EthernetClient client = server.available();  // Tenta pegar uma conexĂŁo com o cliente (Browser)
    if (client) {  // Existe um cliente em conexĂŁo ?       
        boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
        while (client.connected()) {          
            if (client.available()) {
                char c =; // lĂȘ 1 byte (character) do cliente
                if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {  
                    // ENVIA A PÁGINA WEB
                    client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
                    client.println("Content-Type: aplication/json");
                    client.println("Content-Disposition: attachment ; filename = \"data.json\"");
                    client.println("Connection: close");

                    duration1 = pulseIn(pin1, LOW);
                    duration2 = pulseIn(pin2, LOW);
                    lowpulseoccupancy1 = lowpulseoccupancy1+duration1;
                    lowpulseoccupancy2 = lowpulseoccupancy2+duration2;

                    ratio1 = lowpulseoccupancy1/(sampletime_ms*10.0);  // Integer percentage 0=>100
                    pm2p5 = 1.1*pow(ratio1,3)-3.8*pow(ratio1,2)+520*ratio1+0.62; // using spec sheet curve
                    ratio2 = lowpulseoccupancy2/(sampletime_ms*10.0);  // Integer percentage 0=>100
                    pm10 = 1.1*pow(ratio2,3)-3.8*pow(ratio2,2)+520*ratio2+0.62; // 

                    tensao_entrada_nobreak.calcVI(17,2000); //FUNÇÃO DE CÁLCULO (17 SEMICICLOS, TEMPO LIMITE PARA FAZER A MEDIÇÃO)    

                    String request = "";
                    request += "{\"temperatura\": \"";
                    request += dht.readTemperature();
                    request += "\",\"umidade\": \"";
                    request += dht.readHumidity();
//                    request += "\",\"gas_inflamavel\": \"";
//                    request += mq2.readLPG();
//                    request += "\",\"CO2\": \"";
//                    request += mq2.readCO();
//                    request += "\",\"fumaca\": \"";
//                    request += mq2.readSmoke();
                    request += "\",\"mq2_tensao\": \"";
                    request += analogRead(MQ2PIN);
                    request += "\",\"presenca_fumaca\": \"";
                    if (!digitalRead(MQ2PIN_DIGITAL)) request += "1";
                    else request += "0";
                    request += "\",\"ar\": {\"concentracao_pm2p5\": \"";
                    request += pm2p5;
                    request += "\",\"concentracao_pm10\": \"";
                    request += pm10;
                    request += "\"},\"tensao_entrada_nobreak\": \"";
                    request += tensao_entrada_nobreak.Vrms;
                    request += "\",\"tensao_saida_nobreak\": \"";
                    request += tensao_saida_nobreak.Vrms;
                    request += "\",\"ar_condicionado\": \"";
                    if (ar_condicionado) request += "1";
                    else request += "0";
                    request += "\",\"desumidificacao\": \"";
                    if (dehumidify) request += "1";
                    else request += "0";
                    request += "\"}";

                // toda linha de texto recebida do cliente termina com os caracteres \r\n
                if (c == '\n') {
                    // ultimo caractere da linha do texto recebido
                    // iniciando nova linha com o novo caractere lido
                    currentLineIsBlank = true;
                else if (c != '\r') {
                    // um caractere de texto foi recebido do cliente
                    currentLineIsBlank = false;
            } // fim do if (client.available())
        } // fim do while (client.connected())
        delay(1);      // da um tempo para o WEB Browser receber o texto
        client.stop(); // termina a conexĂŁo
    } // fim do if (client)
} // fim do loop

void controleDeAr() {
    if (millis() > tempoDisplay) {
      tempoDisplay = millis() + 60000;
      if (umaHora == 59) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        ar_condicionado = false;
        dehumidify = false;
        Serial.println(F("Ar desligado1"));
        umaHora = 0;
      float temperatura = dht.readTemperature();
      float umidade = dht.readHumidity();
      Serial.print(F("Temperatura: ")); Serial.println(temperatura);
      if (temperatura > 26 && ar_condicionado == false) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOn,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        ar_condicionado = true;
        dehumidify = false;
        Serial.println(F("Ar ligado"));

      if (temperatura > 28){
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOn,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        ar_condicionado = true;
        dehumidify = false;
        Serial.println(F("Forçando Ar ligado"));

      if (temperatura <= 23 && ar_condicionado) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        ar_condicionado = false;
        dehumidify = false;
        Serial.println(F("Ar desligado2")); //normal

      if (umidade > 60 && dehumidify == false && ar_condicionado == false) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataDehumidify,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        Serial.println(F("Desumidificação em ação"));
        dehumidify = true;
      } else {
        if (umidade < 55 && dehumidify) {
          for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
          Serial.println(F("Ar desligado3"));
          dehumidify = false;

Does your send function know that it needs to fetch data from flash memory?

No? I just used the library's ready sender, what needs to be different in this case?

I can find nothing in the library which supports direct reading from flash memory.

You can use memcpy_P to bring the arrays out of PROGMEM and into ram for passing to the send function.


1 Like

If I give "inRAM[RAW_DATA_LEN] = {};" I release that SRAM again, correct?

For some unknown reason, when I tried to use the function

void sender(uint16_t rawData[RAW_DATA_LEN]) {
  memcpy_P(inRAM, &rawData, RAW_DATA_LEN);
  inRAM[RAW_DATA_LEN] = {};

the infrared control stopped working.

What's that doing?
Where is inRAM defined?

No. The memory space for the inRam transfer array is declared and reserved. You can make the space empty or full, but it is not dynamically created and destroyed. Using dynamic memory is possible, but gets into to aspects of programming I don't know, and is generally not used on small memory microprocessors.

the infrared control stopped working.


That is not the way to clear the values from the array. Use
memset(inRam, 0, RAW_DATA_LEN)

I would clear the values before filling with new, incase there is some sort of buffer for the sending and a race condition between the clearing and the sending.

Why the fixation on clearing?

It is defined globally as uint16_t inRAM[RAW_DATA_LEN]; ;D

Because this project is already big, and I realized that a use close to 80% of SRAM causes the Ethernet.h not working, there is not enough memory to create the ethernet object.

But clearing the memory won't make any difference.

1 Like

Where does putting the 3 fixed data arrays in PROGMEM and using a single sram transfer array get you for memory usage with the ethernet object?

If you are indeed marginal, you should consider a processor with more ram.

Perfect, but my superiors want me to stick this in the Uno at all costs because of the reduced price of this microcontroller compared to the Arduino Mega for example.

I still can't make it work by copying from flash to SRAM, apparently it copies strange values when I "print" the positions of the vector.

Can you post the latest version of your code, and explain more about the "strange values". What do you expect, and what do you see?

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <DHT.h>
//#include <MQ2.h>
#include <EmonLib.h>
#include <IRLibSendBase.h>    //We need the base code/
#include <IRLib_HashRaw.h>    //Only use raw sender

IRsendRaw mySender;

#define DHTPIN A0 // pino que estamos conectado
#define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT
#define MQ2PIN A1
#define VOLT_CAL_ENTRADA 458
#define VOLT_CAL_SAIDA 503
#define pin2 A4 // Vout2 PM10
#define pin1 2 // Vout1 PM2.
#define RAW_DATA_LEN 198

unsigned long tempoDisplay = 0;
unsigned short int umaHora = 0;
bool ar_condicionado = false;
bool dehumidify = false;

#define sampletime_ms 3000 //sampe 1s ;
unsigned long duration1;
unsigned long duration2;
unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy1 = 0;
unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy2 = 0;
float ratio1 = 0;
float ratio2 = 0;
float pm2p5 = 0;
float pm10 = 0;

const byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x04 };
const EthernetServer server(80);     // Cria um servidor WEB
//const MQ2 mq2(MQ2PIN);
EnergyMonitor tensao_entrada_nobreak;
EnergyMonitor tensao_saida_nobreak;

void (*Reset)() = 0;
void controleDeAr();
void sender(uint16_t rawData[RAW_DATA_LEN]);

const PROGMEM uint16_t rawDataOff[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
  5994, 7398, 506, 1662, 478, 1710, 498, 1690, 
  458, 1706, 506, 1686, 538, 1630, 462, 1722, 
  546, 1626, 546, 610, 518, 586, 498, 638, 
  518, 586, 498, 634, 522, 586, 498, 634, 
  522, 586, 498, 1666, 546, 1642, 546, 1622, 
  442, 1742, 546, 1646, 526, 1634, 550, 1642, 
  546, 1622, 514, 642, 518, 590, 494, 638, 
  518, 586, 494, 642, 518, 586, 498, 634, 
  522, 586, 498, 1662, 546, 1646, 542, 1626, 
  482, 1702, 538, 1650, 534, 1630, 542, 1646, 
  538, 1650, 462, 674, 510, 598, 490, 642, 
  510, 594, 530, 602, 514, 594, 534, 598, 
  514, 618, 514, 1626, 442, 1742, 542, 594, 
  486, 1674, 546, 1642, 546, 590, 494, 1666, 
  498, 1690, 494, 614, 502, 630, 494, 1674, 
  466, 682, 478, 630, 446, 1734, 490, 626, 
  442, 682, 486, 630, 466, 1714, 462, 670, 
  482, 1686, 394, 1790, 486, 626, 446, 1738, 
  454, 1730, 486, 1686, 414, 714, 482, 1702, 
  486, 626, 478, 650, 482, 1690, 414, 710, 
  482, 630, 394, 730, 486, 1702, 486, 622, 
  482, 1706, 486, 626, 394, 1786, 486, 630, 
  466, 658, 486, 1702, 482, 630, 450, 1734, 
  482, 634, 462, 1718, 450, 678, 486, 1686, 
  446, 1734, 486, 7422, 482, 1000};

const PROGMEM uint16_t rawDataOn[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
  5998, 7474, 466, 1718, 470, 1730, 454, 1746, 
  466, 1766, 394, 1770, 466, 1726, 434, 1774, 
  466, 1718, 470, 670, 446, 702, 446, 670, 
  398, 746, 470, 646, 482, 666, 446, 670, 
  470, 646, 442, 1750, 494, 1710, 422, 1770, 
  494, 1698, 414, 1790, 498, 1694, 470, 1734, 
  498, 1690, 542, 622, 478, 642, 478, 638, 
  498, 646, 506, 614, 434, 710, 506, 610, 
  486, 658, 486, 1678, 538, 1670, 506, 1678, 
  478, 1754, 478, 1706, 482, 1726, 454, 1734, 
  482, 1706, 474, 666, 482, 642, 442, 694, 
  482, 638, 446, 694, 454, 666, 450, 694, 
  450, 666, 450, 1762, 454, 662, 478, 642, 
  470, 1738, 450, 1762, 446, 670, 450, 1738, 
  446, 1762, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 450, 1738, 
  442, 698, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 446, 674, 
  446, 694, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 446, 674, 
  446, 1762, 446, 1738, 446, 698, 442, 1742, 
  446, 1742, 466, 1742, 442, 678, 462, 1746, 
  442, 678, 438, 702, 442, 1746, 438, 706, 
  438, 682, 434, 730, 414, 1746, 438, 730, 
  414, 1746, 438, 730, 410, 1750, 434, 734, 
  410, 706, 414, 1794, 414, 706, 414, 1794, 
  414, 706, 414, 1770, 438, 706, 414, 1770, 
  414, 1794, 414, 7550, 414, 1000};

const PROGMEM uint16_t rawDataDehumidify[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
  6062, 7422, 458, 1750, 510, 1678, 506, 1702, 
  506, 1678, 478, 1730, 506, 1682, 474, 1730, 
  510, 1682, 414, 722, 506, 614, 446, 690, 
  510, 614, 474, 662, 510, 610, 510, 630, 
  510, 610, 510, 1698, 506, 1682, 534, 1670, 
  506, 1682, 442, 1758, 514, 1682, 446, 1754, 
  510, 1698, 474, 642, 510, 634, 470, 646, 
  510, 614, 462, 674, 510, 614, 414, 718, 
  510, 638, 394, 1782, 510, 1702, 470, 1714, 
  506, 1702, 506, 1678, 478, 1726, 510, 1682, 
  414, 1786, 510, 634, 442, 674, 510, 614, 
  490, 646, 506, 634, 398, 718, 510, 614, 
  490, 642, 510, 1702, 470, 646, 510, 1698, 
  474, 642, 510, 630, 478, 638, 510, 634, 
  474, 1710, 510, 630, 502, 1686, 498, 638, 
  506, 1682, 474, 1726, 482, 1726, 446, 1738, 
  482, 662, 446, 670, 482, 1726, 482, 1702, 
  454, 686, 506, 1678, 474, 1730, 514, 610, 
  470, 1730, 514, 1694, 478, 638, 518, 626, 
  474, 1710, 482, 658, 506, 610, 550, 1658, 
  510, 610, 450, 686, 510, 1678, 466, 670, 
  510, 1682, 462, 670, 510, 1698, 474, 642, 
  510, 634, 470, 1714, 502, 638, 506, 1678, 
  470, 670, 502, 1690, 462, 670, 502, 1706, 
  442, 1738, 502, 7478, 470, 1000};

uint16_t inRAM[RAW_DATA_LEN];

void setup() {
//  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
  if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {
     Serial.println(F("DHCP FAILED"));
  } else {
    Serial.println(F("DHCP DONE"));
  server.begin();           // Inicia esperando por requisiçÔes dos clientes (Browsers)
//  mq2.begin();
  tensao_entrada_nobreak.voltage(NOBREAK_ENTRADA_PIN, VOLT_CAL_ENTRADA, 1.7);
  tensao_saida_nobreak.voltage(NOBREAK_SAIDA_PIN, VOLT_CAL_SAIDA, 1.7);

void loop() {
    EthernetClient client = server.available();  // Tenta pegar uma conexĂŁo com o cliente (Browser)
    if (client) {  // Existe um cliente em conexĂŁo ?       
        boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
        while (client.connected()) {          
            if (client.available()) {
                char c =; // lĂȘ 1 byte (character) do cliente
                if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {  
                    // ENVIA A PÁGINA WEB
                    client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
                    client.println("Content-Type: aplication/json");
                    client.println("Content-Disposition: attachment ; filename = \"data.json\"");
                    client.println("Connection: close");

                    duration1 = pulseIn(pin1, LOW);
                    duration2 = pulseIn(pin2, LOW);
                    lowpulseoccupancy1 = lowpulseoccupancy1+duration1;
                    lowpulseoccupancy2 = lowpulseoccupancy2+duration2;

                    ratio1 = lowpulseoccupancy1/(sampletime_ms*10.0);  // Integer percentage 0=>100
                    pm2p5 = 1.1*pow(ratio1,3)-3.8*pow(ratio1,2)+520*ratio1+0.62; // using spec sheet curve
                    ratio2 = lowpulseoccupancy2/(sampletime_ms*10.0);  // Integer percentage 0=>100
                    pm10 = 1.1*pow(ratio2,3)-3.8*pow(ratio2,2)+520*ratio2+0.62; // 

                    tensao_entrada_nobreak.calcVI(17,2000); //FUNÇÃO DE CÁLCULO (17 SEMICICLOS, TEMPO LIMITE PARA FAZER A MEDIÇÃO)    

                    String request = "";
                    request += "{\"temperatura\": \"";
                    request += dht.readTemperature();
                    request += "\",\"umidade\": \"";
                    request += dht.readHumidity();
//                    request += "\",\"gas_inflamavel\": \"";
//                    request += mq2.readLPG();
//                    request += "\",\"CO2\": \"";
//                    request += mq2.readCO();
//                    request += "\",\"fumaca\": \"";
//                    request += mq2.readSmoke();
                    request += "\",\"mq2_tensao\": \"";
                    request += analogRead(MQ2PIN);
                    request += "\",\"presenca_fumaca\": \"";
                    if (!digitalRead(MQ2PIN_DIGITAL)) request += "1";
                    else request += "0";
                    request += "\",\"ar\": {\"concentracao_pm2p5\": \"";
                    request += pm2p5;
                    request += "\",\"concentracao_pm10\": \"";
                    request += pm10;
                    request += "\"},\"tensao_entrada_nobreak\": \"";
                    request += tensao_entrada_nobreak.Vrms;
                    request += "\",\"tensao_saida_nobreak\": \"";
                    request += tensao_saida_nobreak.Vrms;
                    request += "\",\"ar_condicionado\": \"";
                    if (ar_condicionado) request += "1";
                    else request += "0";
                    request += "\",\"desumidificacao\": \"";
                    if (dehumidify) request += "1";
                    else request += "0";
                    request += "\"}";
                    request = "";

                // toda linha de texto recebida do cliente termina com os caracteres \r\n
                if (c == '\n') {
                    // ultimo caractere da linha do texto recebido
                    // iniciando nova linha com o novo caractere lido
                    currentLineIsBlank = true;
                else if (c != '\r') {
                    // um caractere de texto foi recebido do cliente
                    currentLineIsBlank = false;
            } // fim do if (client.available())
        } // fim do while (client.connected())
        delay(1);      // da um tempo para o WEB Browser receber o texto
        client.stop(); // termina a conexĂŁo
    } // fim do if (client)
} // fim do loop

void controleDeAr() {
    if (millis() > tempoDisplay) {
      tempoDisplay = millis() + 60000;
      if (umaHora == 59) {
//        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        ar_condicionado = false;
        dehumidify = false;
        Serial.println(F("Ar desligado1"));
        umaHora = 0;
      float temperatura = dht.readTemperature();
      float umidade = dht.readHumidity();
      Serial.print(F("Temperatura: ")); Serial.println(temperatura);
      if (temperatura > 26 && ar_condicionado == false) {
//        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOn,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        ar_condicionado = true;
        dehumidify = false;
        Serial.println(F("Ar ligado"));

      if (temperatura > 28){
//        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOn,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        ar_condicionado = true;
        dehumidify = false;
        Serial.println(F("Forçando Ar ligado"));

      if (temperatura <= 23 && ar_condicionado) {
//        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        ar_condicionado = false;
        dehumidify = false;
        Serial.println(F("Ar desligado2")); //normal

      if (umidade > 60 && dehumidify == false && ar_condicionado == false) {
//        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataDehumidify,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
        Serial.println(F("Desumidificação em ação"));
        dehumidify = true;
      } else {
        if (umidade < 55 && dehumidify) {
//          for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
          Serial.println(F("Ar desligado3"));
          dehumidify = false;

void sender(uint16_t rawData[RAW_DATA_LEN]) {
  memset(inRAM, 0, RAW_DATA_LEN);
  memcpy_P(inRAM, &rawData, RAW_DATA_LEN);

If I try to print the normal values they look right but then they seem copied to inRAM which comes wrong. So the IR is working like it was transmitting directly from the flash.

What's that "36"?

Edit: ok, kHz.


So why are you zeroing half of the inRAM array, and why are you zeroing it at all?

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