I'm trying to emit IR signal from flash memory using IRLib2, however, I notice that it is different (printing the numbers) as when it is in SRAM. What is the problem and possible solution to it?
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <DHT.h>
//#include <MQ2.h>
#include <EmonLib.h>
#include <IRLibSendBase.h> //We need the base code/
#include <IRLib_HashRaw.h> //Only use raw sender
IRsendRaw mySender;
#define DHTPIN A0 // pino que estamos conectado
#define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT
#define MQ2PIN A1
#define VOLT_CAL_ENTRADA 458
#define VOLT_CAL_SAIDA 503
#define pin2 A4 // Vout2 PM10
#define pin1 2 // Vout1 PM2.
unsigned long tempoDisplay = 0;
unsigned short int umaHora = 0;
bool ar_condicionado = false;
bool dehumidify = false;
#define sampletime_ms 3000 //sampe 1s ;
unsigned long duration1;
unsigned long duration2;
unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy1 = 0;
unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy2 = 0;
float ratio1 = 0;
float ratio2 = 0;
float pm2p5 = 0;
float pm10 = 0;
const byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x04 };
const EthernetServer server(80); // Cria um servidor WEB
//const MQ2 mq2(MQ2PIN);
EnergyMonitor tensao_entrada_nobreak;
EnergyMonitor tensao_saida_nobreak;
void (*Reset)() = 0;
void controleDeAr();
#define RAW_DATA_LEN 198
const PROGMEM uint16_t rawDataOff[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
5994, 7398, 506, 1662, 478, 1710, 498, 1690,
458, 1706, 506, 1686, 538, 1630, 462, 1722,
546, 1626, 546, 610, 518, 586, 498, 638,
518, 586, 498, 634, 522, 586, 498, 634,
522, 586, 498, 1666, 546, 1642, 546, 1622,
442, 1742, 546, 1646, 526, 1634, 550, 1642,
546, 1622, 514, 642, 518, 590, 494, 638,
518, 586, 494, 642, 518, 586, 498, 634,
522, 586, 498, 1662, 546, 1646, 542, 1626,
482, 1702, 538, 1650, 534, 1630, 542, 1646,
538, 1650, 462, 674, 510, 598, 490, 642,
510, 594, 530, 602, 514, 594, 534, 598,
514, 618, 514, 1626, 442, 1742, 542, 594,
486, 1674, 546, 1642, 546, 590, 494, 1666,
498, 1690, 494, 614, 502, 630, 494, 1674,
466, 682, 478, 630, 446, 1734, 490, 626,
442, 682, 486, 630, 466, 1714, 462, 670,
482, 1686, 394, 1790, 486, 626, 446, 1738,
454, 1730, 486, 1686, 414, 714, 482, 1702,
486, 626, 478, 650, 482, 1690, 414, 710,
482, 630, 394, 730, 486, 1702, 486, 622,
482, 1706, 486, 626, 394, 1786, 486, 630,
466, 658, 486, 1702, 482, 630, 450, 1734,
482, 634, 462, 1718, 450, 678, 486, 1686,
446, 1734, 486, 7422, 482, 1000};
#define RAW_DATA_LEN 198
uint16_t rawDataOn[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
5998, 7474, 466, 1718, 470, 1730, 454, 1746,
466, 1766, 394, 1770, 466, 1726, 434, 1774,
466, 1718, 470, 670, 446, 702, 446, 670,
398, 746, 470, 646, 482, 666, 446, 670,
470, 646, 442, 1750, 494, 1710, 422, 1770,
494, 1698, 414, 1790, 498, 1694, 470, 1734,
498, 1690, 542, 622, 478, 642, 478, 638,
498, 646, 506, 614, 434, 710, 506, 610,
486, 658, 486, 1678, 538, 1670, 506, 1678,
478, 1754, 478, 1706, 482, 1726, 454, 1734,
482, 1706, 474, 666, 482, 642, 442, 694,
482, 638, 446, 694, 454, 666, 450, 694,
450, 666, 450, 1762, 454, 662, 478, 642,
470, 1738, 450, 1762, 446, 670, 450, 1738,
446, 1762, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 450, 1738,
442, 698, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 446, 674,
446, 694, 450, 670, 446, 1762, 446, 674,
446, 1762, 446, 1738, 446, 698, 442, 1742,
446, 1742, 466, 1742, 442, 678, 462, 1746,
442, 678, 438, 702, 442, 1746, 438, 706,
438, 682, 434, 730, 414, 1746, 438, 730,
414, 1746, 438, 730, 410, 1750, 434, 734,
410, 706, 414, 1794, 414, 706, 414, 1794,
414, 706, 414, 1770, 438, 706, 414, 1770,
414, 1794, 414, 7550, 414, 1000};
#define RAW_DATA_LEN 198
uint16_t rawDataDehumidify[RAW_DATA_LEN]={
6062, 7422, 458, 1750, 510, 1678, 506, 1702,
506, 1678, 478, 1730, 506, 1682, 474, 1730,
510, 1682, 414, 722, 506, 614, 446, 690,
510, 614, 474, 662, 510, 610, 510, 630,
510, 610, 510, 1698, 506, 1682, 534, 1670,
506, 1682, 442, 1758, 514, 1682, 446, 1754,
510, 1698, 474, 642, 510, 634, 470, 646,
510, 614, 462, 674, 510, 614, 414, 718,
510, 638, 394, 1782, 510, 1702, 470, 1714,
506, 1702, 506, 1678, 478, 1726, 510, 1682,
414, 1786, 510, 634, 442, 674, 510, 614,
490, 646, 506, 634, 398, 718, 510, 614,
490, 642, 510, 1702, 470, 646, 510, 1698,
474, 642, 510, 630, 478, 638, 510, 634,
474, 1710, 510, 630, 502, 1686, 498, 638,
506, 1682, 474, 1726, 482, 1726, 446, 1738,
482, 662, 446, 670, 482, 1726, 482, 1702,
454, 686, 506, 1678, 474, 1730, 514, 610,
470, 1730, 514, 1694, 478, 638, 518, 626,
474, 1710, 482, 658, 506, 610, 550, 1658,
510, 610, 450, 686, 510, 1678, 466, 670,
510, 1682, 462, 670, 510, 1698, 474, 642,
510, 634, 470, 1714, 502, 638, 506, 1678,
470, 670, 502, 1690, 462, 670, 502, 1706,
442, 1738, 502, 7478, 470, 1000};
void setup() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {
Serial.println(F("DHCP FAILED"));
} else {
Serial.println(F("DHCP DONE"));
server.begin(); // Inicia esperando por requisiçÔes dos clientes (Browsers)
// mq2.begin();
tensao_entrada_nobreak.voltage(NOBREAK_ENTRADA_PIN, VOLT_CAL_ENTRADA, 1.7);
tensao_saida_nobreak.voltage(NOBREAK_SAIDA_PIN, VOLT_CAL_SAIDA, 1.7);
void loop() {
EthernetClient client = server.available(); // Tenta pegar uma conexĂŁo com o cliente (Browser)
if (client) { // Existe um cliente em conexĂŁo ?
boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
char c = client.read(); // lĂȘ 1 byte (character) do cliente
if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: aplication/json");
client.println("Content-Disposition: attachment ; filename = \"data.json\"");
client.println("Connection: close");
duration1 = pulseIn(pin1, LOW);
duration2 = pulseIn(pin2, LOW);
lowpulseoccupancy1 = lowpulseoccupancy1+duration1;
lowpulseoccupancy2 = lowpulseoccupancy2+duration2;
ratio1 = lowpulseoccupancy1/(sampletime_ms*10.0); // Integer percentage 0=>100
pm2p5 = 1.1*pow(ratio1,3)-3.8*pow(ratio1,2)+520*ratio1+0.62; // using spec sheet curve
ratio2 = lowpulseoccupancy2/(sampletime_ms*10.0); // Integer percentage 0=>100
pm10 = 1.1*pow(ratio2,3)-3.8*pow(ratio2,2)+520*ratio2+0.62; //
tensao_entrada_nobreak.calcVI(17,2000); //FUNĂĂO DE CĂLCULO (17 SEMICICLOS, TEMPO LIMITE PARA FAZER A MEDIĂĂO)
String request = "";
request += "{\"temperatura\": \"";
request += dht.readTemperature();
request += "\",\"umidade\": \"";
request += dht.readHumidity();
// request += "\",\"gas_inflamavel\": \"";
// request += mq2.readLPG();
// request += "\",\"CO2\": \"";
// request += mq2.readCO();
// request += "\",\"fumaca\": \"";
// request += mq2.readSmoke();
request += "\",\"mq2_tensao\": \"";
request += analogRead(MQ2PIN);
request += "\",\"presenca_fumaca\": \"";
if (!digitalRead(MQ2PIN_DIGITAL)) request += "1";
else request += "0";
request += "\",\"ar\": {\"concentracao_pm2p5\": \"";
request += pm2p5;
request += "\",\"concentracao_pm10\": \"";
request += pm10;
request += "\"},\"tensao_entrada_nobreak\": \"";
request += tensao_entrada_nobreak.Vrms;
request += "\",\"tensao_saida_nobreak\": \"";
request += tensao_saida_nobreak.Vrms;
request += "\",\"ar_condicionado\": \"";
if (ar_condicionado) request += "1";
else request += "0";
request += "\",\"desumidificacao\": \"";
if (dehumidify) request += "1";
else request += "0";
request += "\"}";
// toda linha de texto recebida do cliente termina com os caracteres \r\n
if (c == '\n') {
// ultimo caractere da linha do texto recebido
// iniciando nova linha com o novo caractere lido
currentLineIsBlank = true;
else if (c != '\r') {
// um caractere de texto foi recebido do cliente
currentLineIsBlank = false;
} // fim do if (client.available())
} // fim do while (client.connected())
delay(1); // da um tempo para o WEB Browser receber o texto
client.stop(); // termina a conexĂŁo
} // fim do if (client)
} // fim do loop
void controleDeAr() {
if (millis() > tempoDisplay) {
tempoDisplay = millis() + 60000;
if (umaHora == 59) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
ar_condicionado = false;
dehumidify = false;
Serial.println(F("Ar desligado1"));
umaHora = 0;
float temperatura = dht.readTemperature();
float umidade = dht.readHumidity();
Serial.print(F("Temperatura: ")); Serial.println(temperatura);
if (temperatura > 26 && ar_condicionado == false) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOn,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
ar_condicionado = true;
dehumidify = false;
Serial.println(F("Ar ligado"));
if (temperatura > 28){
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOn,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
ar_condicionado = true;
dehumidify = false;
Serial.println(F("Forçando Ar ligado"));
if (temperatura <= 23 && ar_condicionado) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
ar_condicionado = false;
dehumidify = false;
Serial.println(F("Ar desligado2")); //normal
if (umidade > 60 && dehumidify == false && ar_condicionado == false) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataDehumidify,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
Serial.println(F("Desumidificação em ação"));
dehumidify = true;
} else {
if (umidade < 55 && dehumidify) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mySender.send(rawDataOff,RAW_DATA_LEN,36);
Serial.println(F("Ar desligado3"));
dehumidify = false;