Hello everyone, I'm quite new with the ESP32, so I'm sorry for the noob question
I'm currently working with an ESP32 devkit and I'm trying to create an IoT device. So far, I have been able to connect my ESP32 to the internet, but I'm a bit lost on which cloud services I can use so that it satisfies its requirements. I'm looking for a way to set certain flags on my ESP32 so that it can perform certain actions once, or twice every week. For example, set 'performTaskA' flag to true every Sunday and 'performTaskB' flag to true every Tuesday and Thursday. I technically could use a timer, but I was wondering if there's a way for a cloud to control automatically for more flexibility (I've seen some project toggle an LED from the phone, I just need it to be automated periodically)
Also, I'm currently trying to work with FreeRTOS, so I wonder if I could set it as a task with the highest priority. If you can provide some pointers, I'll greatly appreciate it
How will the data get from the could to your dev kit?
For instance I run my own MQTT Broker that just does the MQTT thing. Another program running on the broker takes the info from the broker and makes adjustments to the programs running on the 13 ESP32's.
So how will you send information from your broker (the cloud) to the MCU? A broker does not run programs.
You could have another broker client receive and analyze the incoming data and the publish messages to the individual clients as they need adjustments. The client can be subscribed to the adjustment published messages.
I'm sorry, as I mentioned, I'm completely new to ESP32 so I'm not sure how it works (the networking side). I was thinking about using some online IoT solutions websites like Thingspeak. Would you mind giving me some pointers?
I planned to have a task that activates by a flag (which is set to true by an ISR when a button is pressed). After the task performs the action, it set the flag to false and goes idle. In theory, I just need to set that flag from an internet connection (preferably periodically), which is where I'm stuck at
You could use node-red to connect to your broker and publish a message to the broker that sets a value to true that is then published by the broker and sent to the MCU where the MCU can do the thing with the data.