Sending serial data to sensor

I want to send char 's' to sensor. I used simple code

void setup() {

void loop() {

when I check it with serial monitor, I get character 's'.

But I used same serial line, connected serial to usb cable...

That gives "Fy="

Anyone has idea about this ?

It might be basic question, sorry... I tried in internet to find solution, nothing helps...

If someone helps to send this data, that would be really helpful.

Thank you


I can't understand what you did. What have you attached to the Arduino?

I used serial to usb converter cable. I have attached data sheet.

Software I used to see serial data received on that port are

  1. Serial lab
  2. Free Serial monitor
  3. Device monitoring studio

everything show same output. In that attachment, it shows serial lab.

Are you sure that is the correct com port?

What happens if you duplicate all the code in loop with a different character to print?

ya, I configured in right port and right baud rate.

If I read COM port connected to Arduino (in my case COM 5), it shows right output. (attachment 1)

If I use 3 wires (Rx, Tx and GND) from Arduino to 'Serial to usb converter', it shows different output (attachment 2)

Hardware connection (Attachment 3)