I am working on an rc car which is to be controlled by a USB gamepad connected to my laptop and the car is also connected to the laptop. So I wanted the serial monitor to read off the single characters from the console as soon as they are typed in without having to press the enter key each time.( I have taken care of sending input from the USB gamepad to the serial monitor)
This sounds like a function of the serial terminal rather than the Arduino.
Whosoevers function it is, just help me out please
I think this example is worth a look:
It uses Processing, sends single characters to the arduino.
and could easyly be changed to get the chars from the keyboard.
I haven't looked at @Whandall's link because I am not familiar with Processing.
I imagine you could do the same thing with Python and this Python - Arduino demo may be of interest if you prefer that option.
Or get on of the terminal emulators such as putty.
Thanks everyone for their help. Using processing language , works flawlessly.
Thanks everyone for their help. Using processing language , works flawlessly.
Como lo solucionaste? nos das mas detalles porfavor?
Como lo solucionaste? nos das mas detalles porfavor?
You seem to understand English so why don't you post in English. If you prefer to ask the question in Spanish, I suggest that you start your own thread in the Spanish section.
Google translate:
Parece que entiendes inglés, entonces ¿por qué no publicas en inglés? Si prefiere hacer la pregunta en español, le sugiero que comience su propio hilo en la sección en español.