sending the values of accelerometers to excel

So when i use Serial.println(analogread(a0)), i get a value sent to the serial monitor from 0 to 1023, i have a accelrometer hooked up to a0 so now how do i capture that value so i can use it else where like microsoft excel to graph it? it doesnt have to be excel but any software to where i can analzye the data? thanks

I have only just tried this, but it seems to work well.


Write your values to the serial monitor in a comma delimited format like this:
x, y, z

So, write the x,y,z header first then each time round the loop write a new row of readings.

Then simply select all the text in the serial monitor and paste it into a text editor.

Save the file as 'mydata.csv' and open it in Excel. You can then draw graphs and all the usual stuff.

You could also use millis() to add in a time stamp column.

Just bear in mind that writing to Serial usually messes up your timings if you are taking readings at a high frequency.

Since writing the data will slow down the actual collection of data from the accelerometer, you could save the data in arrays on the Arduino and then when you are done collecting (or run out of memory), write the data points.


Or use GoBetwino to send the data directly into Excel cells.