I am currently commissioning and characterizing a small scale subsonic wind tunnel which requires the implementation of a differential pressure sensor. We are using an Arduino Uno R3 with and SDP610-500Pa. I have attached the code we are using to return the pressure reading and then convert it to a flow velocity and a print screen of the results
The issue we seem to be having is that when using the readPa() function it is returning a value of 65535 when it should be returning a value of 32767 at zero differential pressure . This appears to be an overflow problem. The sensor should return a pressure between +/-500Pa when there is a differential pressure present.
Does anyone have any idea how we can get the sensor to return a physical value in Pascals within the +/- 500Pa range. It is essential that we do to return the correct flow velocity.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
SDP6xx.cpp (4.12 KB)
SDP6xx.h (2.88 KB)
pressure_sensor_trial_2.ino (432 Bytes)