Sensor for angle measurement

Hello everyone!
I am working on a hobby project that needs to take measurements of relative yaw, pitch and roll angles.
I was considering using an MPU6050 but it seems that lots of people consider it old technology and maybe an accelerometer/gyro sensor might not be the best option.
The goal is to keep the cost and simplicity of the project low. A sensor with simple interface (i2c ?) and an existing library should be ideal.
Could you please share any recommendations?
Thank you all in advance for your help!

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have a look at the Adafruit LSM9DS1 which has a I2C interface
Edit: also a Adafruit_LSM9DS1 library


Nice device :+1:

please consider the nano 33 BLE and the nano 33 IOT.
The first has included LSM9DS1 (3 accelerometer / 3 Gyro / 3 magneto) whereas the IOT has LSM6DS1 (no magnetometer).
You use I2C interface with it and libraries are available to give you direct results.

A nano 33 BLE is the core of my vehicle toy and it is easy to extract gyro and acceleration data. The hardest part is to manage the data to get accurate measurment, depending of your needs and apparatus.

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The MPU6050 (or any other modern 3D accelerometer) is fine for measuring pitch and roll, if it is held still. Follow this tutorial: How_to_Use_a_Three-Axis_Accelerometer_for_Tilt_Sensing-DFRobot

To measure yaw you need a magnetometer or other North reference, which requires careful calibration. A calibrated 9DOF sensor on an Arduino running AHRS code can do that.

If the project is moving or reorienting, please explain what you mean by "relative" angles.

Relative to what?

An accelerometer won't give Yaw around the vertical axis.

A rate gyro only gives the rate of change.

A magnetometer will give Roll, Pitch, and Yaw relative to the local magnetic field. When resting on the ground, an accelerometer and magnetometer will let you measure the vector (3D direction) of the local magnetic field.

The magnetometer can measure and report only two angles with respect to the direction of the magnetic field, just as an accelerometer can measure only pitch and roll, relative to the direction of gravity.

Both sensors are needed to get all three angles.

Oops. My mistake.

Good alternative but I already have several nanos that I intended to use. I will consider it thought as it is a good all in one solution.

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