I am a newbie.
I have a Boxing-Bag and was wondering if there is a way to measure the force I am creating on it every time I box.
Please advise.
I am a newbie.
I have a Boxing-Bag and was wondering if there is a way to measure the force I am creating on it every time I box.
Please advise.
may be an accelerometer inside the glove that would measure deceleration when you impact the bag and then try to derive the force from it?
may be some good info to get from Human Punch Force Calculator
Would this help?
One approach you could take would be to attempt to figure out how others have approached the problem and then duplicate one of the methods. There are a number of commercial products that claim to do what you want to do. There are also biomechanical (university/scientific) studies on the subject <-- these will probably have at least some details on how they achieved their measurements.
A bag hangs free. Some force will be transferred into an internal sensor, and some will be transferred into moving the bag.
You would need to take that into account or used a fixed, padded sensor.
I found one sensor on Google-India, but I doubt it quantifies the force.
Any examples you can give? I have already done a Google-India search.
Try searching for
punching bag force sensor
Didn't get much on Google-India. Except for the below link, will it work:
Try google.com
Got this, but they don't ship it to India.
I wonder if this will help (sorry for spamming)
You could ship it to a friend outside India and have them ship it to you. Or maybe there are package forwarding services that can help.
Will try. Thank You.
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